Honors World Lit: Reminders (1/12/17)

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1 Honors World Lit: Reminders (1/12/17)
Pre-Course Reading Book should be read by next Wednesday, 1/18/17 Completed chart/assignment should be with you in class that same day Need a copy of The Tragedy of Othello (No Fear copy suggested) by Monday, 1/30 Be sure you have: Signed up for the Edmodo class Signed up for the Remind messages

2 Yesterday’s Objective Summary Practice
CHECK PLUS Exceeds expectations; clearly topic sentence; summary focuses clearly on thoughtful elements AND it is well phrased; shows deeper understanding of the text. CHECK Meets expectations; demonstrates a basic understanding of the summary text; what I would expect from students at this point in the semester; could be some phrasing issues or other minor missing sections. CHECK MINUS Does not meet expectations; something is missing from the summary that was communicated; much too general to effectively show clear comprehension; phrasing needs work.

3 TED Talk Thursday: Analyzing Art
As you watch the TED Talk video, jot down notes in response to the following questions: Why can art historical training prepare you for real world investigation? How can art be used as an instructional tool in academic subjects unrelated to art, art history, or fine art?

4 Vocab unit 6 #11-20 Draw images

5 Syllabus & MLA format handout

6 “What is Cultural Identity?” & “Ethnic Hash”
With your group, discuss both essays. Use the following questions/prompts to guide your discussion and be prepared to actively participate in the whole group discussion. Compare the VOICE in the two texts (Venn Diagram or 3 Column Chart): Describe the VOICE in each text Provide evidence to support each description If you finish the above comparison, discuss the questions below and take notes on your thoughts/ideas Reflect on the invisible aspects of your culture. What differences exist between you and your culture? Share whether or not your family’s cultural heritage is an ethnic hash. What are some of your experiences? Do you ever feel in conflict with your parents because you define your cultural identities differently? What have you learned from reading both of these essays?

7 Author’s Choices in Writing
In Ethnic Hash, what choices does the author make in her writing that have an impact on her audience? From the This I Believe reading last night, what choices does the author make about his writing? New This I Believe samples – select 1 or more Intro to Identity Writing Assignment

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