Study About Organization

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1 Study About Organization
Organization Behavior (OB) Introduction Study About Organization By Daniel Damaris Novarianto S.

2 Organization A coordinated unit consisting of at least two people who function to achieve a common goal or set of goals Generally: Small and Large Domestic and Global Successful and Unsuccessful Inside: Structure Member Process

3 Organization (cont.) Structure: blueprint that indicates how people and jobs are grouped together in an organization. Structure is illustrated by an organization chart Process: activities that breathe life into organization structure. Common processes are communication, decision making, socialization, and career development

4 Organization Behavior
The field of study that draws on theory, methods, and principles from various disciplines to learn about individual’s perceptions, values, learning capacities, and actions while working in groups and within the organization and to analyze the external environment’s effect on the organization and its human resources, missions, objectives, and strategies. (James L. Gibson)

5 Organization Behavior (cont.)
A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. (Stephens Robin)

6 Multidiscipline Science on OB
Psychology: A science that attempts to study, explain, and at times modify behavior. Sociology: The study of group behavior and how people relate to each other Social Psychology: A behavioral science area that focuses on how individuals influence each other Political Science: The study of the behavior of individuals and groups within a political framework. Anthropology: The study of societies to learn about values, attitudes, and behavior of people within different settings, cultures, and countries.

7 A Basic OB Model

8 Effective Vs Successful Managerial Activities
The four managerial activities (Fred Luthans) Traditional Management Communication HRM Networking Decision Making Exchange Routine Information Motivating Socializing Planning Processing Paperwork Disciplining & Managing Conflict Politicking Controlling Staffing Interacting with Outsiders Training

9 Effective Vs Successful Managerial Activities (cont.)

10 Manager’s Skill

11 3 Perspective of Effectiveness

12 Causes of Effectiveness

13 Relation Management Functions and Causes of Effectiveness

14 Challenges and Opportunities for OB
Responding to Economic Pressure Responding to Globalization Increased Foreign Assignment Working with People from Different Culture Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-Cost Labor Managing Workforce Diversities Improving Customer Service Improving Member Skills Stimulating Change and Innovation

15 Challenges and Opportunities for OB
Coping with “Temporariness” Working in Networking Organizations Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflict Creating a Positive Work Environment Improving Ethical Behavior

16 Thank You !

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