Exceed with speed and precision

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Presentation on theme: "Exceed with speed and precision"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exceed with speed and precision
Timesavers International Piet Kooman

2 Piet Kooman Sales and marketing director at Timesavers international B.V. 24 years in the company Fine mechanical engineer

3 Timesavers Int. B.V. World leader in engineering, production and sales of wide belt grinders. 3 production facilities

4 Timesavers Int. B.V. 75 years experience 250 employees
Active in the world 80 distribitors

5 Proces Example deburring Example finishing

6 Proces Example stockremoval Example combi

7 Proces change over the years
Deburring High stock removal

8 Deburring machine 1970

9 Evolution of the deburring process
Remove upstanding burr after punching Sharp edge

10 Deburring machine 1980

11 Evolution of the deburring process
Remove upstanding burr after punching and remove sharp edge Sharp edge

12 Evolution of the deburring process
Remove upstanding burr after punching and remove sharp edge and secondairy burr Sharp edge

13 Disc machine 1995

14 Evolution of the deburring process
Remove upstanding burr after punching and remove sharp edge and secondairy burr and remove the burr from every side

15 Evolution of the deburring process
Introduction of the laser cutting machines The Laser cutting machine will not leave a burr like the punching machine No deburring machine needed any more ?? Actually more sold than ever The start and stop point needs removing Very sharp edge

16 Evolution of the deburring process
Remove upstanding burr after punching and remove sharp edge and secondairy burr and remove the burr from every side and remove the hard laser burr

17 Evolution of the deburring process
Remove upstanding burr after punching Remove sharp edge and secondairy burr Remove the burr from every side Remove the hard laser burr Multi materials Pvc coating Produce a radius at a specific value, Remove oxide after laser cutting

18 Evolution of the deburring process

19 Evolution of the deburring process

20 Rotary brush machine 2010

21 New design 2014

22 High stock removal

23 High stock removal Selection of material removal processes for plane surfaces milling broaching honing lapping wide belt grinding vertical grinding horizontal grinding abrasive jet

24 High stock removal Performances of the technological process
Customer demands Materials to process at high productivity At required surface integrity At required tolerances At lowest costs / part

25 High stock removal Costs Surface quality Productivity Specific energy
Tolerances Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

26 High stock removal Specific energy Specific energy:
Energy required to cut a unit volume of work material (E) (kWh/mm3)

27 High stock removal Specific energy Low specific energy results in
Less heating of material Less negative influence surface quality (finish) Less metallurgical damage Less residual stresses Lower cutting forces Lower costs Lower energy consumption Higher possible productivity (because of reduced limitation by temperature rising of work material) Lower tool wear rates Higher geometric accuracy (tolerances) (decreased deflections)

28 High stock removal Specific energy is of major importance
Cross reference of specific energy for various production technologies and materials (* kWh/mm3) Yield strength (MPa) Material Wheel grinding (kWh/mm3) Belt Milling 97 Aluminum 6,0 370 Cast iron 6,8 480 Steel (c45) 9,0 630 Stainless steel 43,3 690 Nickel alloy 77,4 750 Titanium 90,3 Belt grinding is a cool cutting process 37,5 60,0 68,2 214 375 441 3,8 4,2 5,4 30,0 53,5 62,5 Specific energy o ++ Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

29 High stock removal Technological process of belt grinding is determined by the machine tool the grinding belt The orientation and distribution of the abrasives are controlled Orientation aligning in accordance with the geometric longitudinal axis (sharp cutting edge perpendicular to the belt) Distribution easy reproducible and uniform distribution of the abrasives grains

30 High stock removal Explanation of the differences Milling vs. grinding
Rubbing energy (Elastic deformation) Plowing energy (Elastic and plastic deformation) Cutting energy (Chip) 1 2 3 Energy Cutting energy Friction energy (plowing, rubbing) In grinding more friction than milling Friction energy: Cutting angle Chip thickness Chip chamber Contact length

31 High stock removal Friction energy
Cutting angle Large positive angles reduces power consumption Belt grinding More energy required Chip thickness Large chip thickness reduces power consumption

32 High stock removal Friction energy Chip chamber Contact length
Clearance of Chips: Easiness to remove chips out of cutting zone High stock removal Creep feed grinding when chip production volume > space between grains, then: Chips get involved in cutting process Decrease of surface integrity Increase specific energy Contact length (coolant flow, chip clearance)

33 Properties of the work material
Productivity: Volume of work material removed in an unit time (Q) (cm3/min)

34 Properties of the work material
Productivity 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Aluminum Stainless steel Nickel alloy Cast iron Steel (C45) Belt grinding Milling Vertical grinding Titanium Productivity (cm3/min) Mechanical properties Physical properties Machinability of: SS, Nickel- Titanium-alloys limited by: Generation of heat Aluminium, cast iron limited by: Clearance of the chips productivity o + ++ Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

35 High stock removal Surface integrity Finish Roughness Visual
Horizontal Grinding Vertical Grinding 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.4 0.25 0.16 1.6 1 0.63 2.5 10 6.3 4 16 0.001 Lapping Honing Polishing Milling Turning Tumbling Belt grinding Rough Fine Average surface roughness (Ra) (µm) Finish Roughness Visual Metallurgical damage Micro cracks Residual stresses According to DIN and -2 Surface quality + ++ o Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

36 High stock removal Thickness tolerances and form tolerances Wheel
0.02 Sheet – 1000x800 (mm), According to DIN 876 Cross reference of tolerances for various production technologies Wheel grinding High stock removal Belt Milling Flatness (mm) 0,02 0.02 0,2 – 0,5 Thickness (mm) 0,01 0,1 Parallelism (mm) t ± 0.02 0,02 tolerances ++ + o Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

37 High stock removal Cost comparison Costs of machining (costs/product)
Wheel grinding Belt grinding 7500 €/m3 6900 €/m3 Costs of machining (costs/product) Tool costs, depend on wear: C/P (mm3/ mm2) & tool costs (€/m2) Additional costs: labor & energy Costs of machining tool Similar investment costs: depreciation Material: C45 Product: 1 x 2 m Costs + ++ Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

38 High stock removal + ++ o Wheel Grinding Milling Belt Grinding
Costs + ++ Surface quality o Productivity Specific energy Tolerances Belt Grinding Milling Wheel Grinding

39 Full project

40 Design 2017 Questions

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