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Big Data, Data Mining, Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Big Data, Data Mining, Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Data, Data Mining, Tools

2 N = ALL



5 Data Sources...

6 Data Creation, Storage, Costs

7 Infrastructure

8 NoSQL Flavors

Not Only SQL (sort of) Greater scalability Designed with distributed computing and commodity (not cheap) hardware. Variety of flavors

10 Topic: Algorithms

11 Tools

12 Speaking of the Cloud

13 High Level Flow Example

14 Hadoop MapReduce

15 HDFS Distributed file system. Write-once/read many
Fault tolerance / Redundance Processing logic close to data

16 Traditional word count in Java

17 Hive CREATE TABLE docs (line STRING); CREATE TABLE word_counts AS
SELECT word, count(1) as count FROM (SELECT explode(split(line, ' ')) AS word FROM docs) w GROUP BY word ORDER BY word;

18 Hive with Some Structure
Data 123 F 456 M 789 M 111 M 222 M 333 F 444 F 555 M create table if not exists p_genders ( p_id string, gender string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t'; SELECT * from p_genders;

19 Pig Latin A = load 'S3://pmb4bucket/input/bleakhouse/bleakhouse.txt';
B = foreach A generate flatten(TOKENIZE((chararray)$0)) as word; C = group B by word; D = foreach C generate COUNT(B), group; store D into 's3://pmb4hadoop/output/bleakhouse';

20 Complex Event Processing

21 Tools

22 Data Scientist Not just a bean counter - it’s about modeling
General skill set: Math (linear algebra, statistics, calculus, discrete math) Business sense Programming skills Communication etc, etc, etc

23 Our Schedule Setting the goals for a data mining project.
Setting up KNime Gathering and preparing data. Visualization Machine Learning Naïve Bayes Clustering and Classification Dimension reduction

24 But first…

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