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Week 12 Critical Theories.

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1 Week 12 Critical Theories

2 Critical Theories Structural perspectives focus on social conditions that account for certain forms of behavior Recall the Sociology of Law Which forces produce laws that define WCC and a justice system that implements and enforces those laws?

3 Critical Theories Focus on the nature of society itself
Crime is a product of class society Capitalism promotes these tendencies in humans Economics is more connected to crime than criminologists have considered so far The ownership class is responsible for murder… crimes of capital

4 Bonger (1916!!!) Written to contest Lombroso Crime is a form of egoism
Why do we act egoistically? Egoism is a product of the social environment and is linked to the mode of production

5 Bonger (cont’d) Some economic crimes are so connected to the mode of production that it wouldn’t be possible to commit them under any other economic system Capitalism – individual self-interest is pursued regardless of its consequences on others

6 Bonger (cont’d) Crime comes from ignorance and lack of training on the part of the proletariat No school  deprived of moral ideas passes time with idleness and vagabondage Impulse one governed by passion  commits acts that he wouldn’t with different ‘intellectual equipment’

7 Bonger (cont’d) The economic position of woman contributes also to the weakening of the social instincts, the present organization of the family has great importance regarding criminality Policy Implications?

8 Quinney Strong Marxism influence
Crime is a manifestation of class struggle Law is an instrument of the state that serves the interests of the developing capitalist ruling class One of the contradictions of capitalism is that the rich must violate the law in order to secure the existing system

9 Quinney (cont’d) Crimes of domination and repression Social injuries
Crimes of economic domination Crimes of government Crimes of control Social injuries Crimes of accommodation Predatory crimes Personal crimes Crimes of resistance

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