Computer System Design Lecture 3

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Presentation on theme: "Computer System Design Lecture 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 241-440 Computer System Design Lecture 3
Wannarat Suntiamorntut

2 Arithmetic for Computer
Implementing the Architecture

3 The numbers Binary number (base 2) numbers are finite (overflow)
fraction and real number negative number e.g., No MIPS subi instruction, addi can add a negative number

4 Possible Representations
Sign Magnitude One’s complement Two’s complement 000 = = = +0 001 = = = +1 010 = = = +2 011 = = = +3 100 = = = -4 101 = = = -3 110 = = = -2 111 = = = -1 Negative and Invert are different!

5 Addition & Subtraction
{ } = 0001 two’s complement = 0001 Overflow n-bit does not yield an n-bit number 0111 + 0001 1000

6 Detecting overflow No overflow when add positive&negative
No overflow when signs are the same for subtraction Overflow occur when : - add two positives yield a negative - add two negative gives a positive - subtract negative from positive and get negative - subtract positive from negative get a positive

7 Effect of Overflow Exception occur (Interrupt)
- control jumps to predefined address for exception - Interrupted address is saved Don’t always to detect overflow - New MIPS instructions: addu, addiu ...

8 ALU Build ALU support andi, ori instructions

9 Multiplexor Select one of the inputs to be output, base on control input

10 ALU for Addition instruction
Cout = ab + bcin + acin Sum = a xor b xor cin

11 ALU for Subtraction instruction
Two’s complement approach : just negative b and ADD

12 Supporting slt


14 MIPS Arithmetic Instruction format

15 Conclusion ALU in MIPS Use multiplexor to select output we want
efficiently perform subtraction using two’s complement replicate 1-bit ALU to 32-bit ALU

16 Computation Problem :fast adder
32-bit ALU faster than 1-bit ALU? Carry-lookahead adder g = ab, p = a + b c1 = g0 + p0c0 c2 = g1 + p1c1c2 c3 = g2 + p2c2c3 ...


18 Part II : Lecture III

19 Multiplication 0010 (multiplicand) x 1011 (multiplier) ????

20 Unsign Combinational Multiplier

21 Multiplication : First Version (Unsign)

22 Multiplication : First Version (contd.)

23 Analyze First Version 1 clock per cycle
50 % of bit in multiplicand always = 0 => 64-bit adder is wasted 0’s inserted in left of multiplicand as shifted => lead significant bits of product never changed once formed

24 Multiplication : Second Version

25 Multiplication : Second Version (Contd.)

26 Analyze Second Version
Product register wasted space that exactly matches size of multiplier Combine Multiplier register and Product register

27 Multiplication : Third Version

28 Multiplication : Third Version (Contd.)

29 Analyze Third Version 2 steps per bit because multiplier & product combined MIPS registers Hi, Lo are left and right half of product

30 Booth’s Algorithm

31 Example : 2 x 7

32 Example : 2 x -3

33 Shifter : 2 kinds

34 Part III : Lecture III

35 Divide

36 Divide : First Version

37 Divide : First Version (Contd.)

38 Analyze First Version 50% bits in divisor always 0
=>1/2 of 64-bit adder is wasted => 1/2 divisor is wasted 1 step cannot produce a 1 in quotient bit => Switch order to shift first

39 Divide : Second Version

40 Divide : Second Version (Contd.)

41 Analyze Second Version
Eliminate Quotient register by combining with Remainder as shifted left

42 Divide : Third Version

43 Divide : Third Version (Contd.)

44 Analyze Third Version Do Analyze by yourself

45 Floating Point : IEEE754

46 Floating-point Representation
-0.75 = -3/4 = -3/22 = -11/ 22 = = -1.1x 2-1 = (-1)s x (1 + signifiand) x 2 (exponent-127) = (-1) x ( ) x 2( ) S E M 1-bit 8-bit bit

47 Floating-point Addition
9.999 x x10-1 Step1 : Change exponent as : 1.610 x = x 101 Step2 : Add significands 9.999 (10) (10) (10) Sum = x 101

48 Floating-point Addition
9.999 x x10-1 Step3 : correct it (normalization) : x 10 1 = x 102 Step4 : Four digits for significand 1.002 x 102

49 Example Floating-point Addition
0.5 + ( ) 0.5 = 1/2 = 1/21 = 0.1 x 20 = 1.00 x 2-1 = -7/16 = -7/24 = = x 2-2 step 1 : x 2-1 step 2 : 1.0x ( x 2-1)=0.001 x 2-1 step 3 : 1.0 x 2 -4 step 4 :

50 Multiplication Floating-point
Study in Text Book by yourself.

51 Next on Lecture 4

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