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Chapter 11 Section 4.

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1 Chapter 11 Section 4

2 This is a type of echo called reverberation.
We’ve all had experiences while listening to music, that when the music ended the sound still lingered for a moment or two. This is a type of echo called reverberation. Reverberation is the repeated reflection of sound in close quarters. If you were to yell while inside a narrow tunnel, your reflected sound waves would bounce back to your ears so quickly that your brain wouldn’t be able to distinguish between the original yell ant its reflection. It would sound like a single yell of slightly longer duration. Reverberation

3 This type of study of sound is called acoustics
If the building is not designed correctly then reverberation has the chance to completely ruin a performance. In order to minimize this threat engineers have studied sound and how it works in order to build rooms that enhance a concert. This type of study of sound is called acoustics The Great Hall in the Krannert Center is an example of excellent acoustics. Chicago Symphony Orchestra has even recorded there. Note how the walls and ceiling are beveled to get sound waves reflect in different directions. This minimizes the odds of there being a “dead spot” somewhere in the audience.

4 Echolocation Echolocation is the process of locating objects by emitting sounds and interpreting the sound waves that are reflected back. This is the term used when a living organism uses sound to navigate. Human Echolocation Bat

5 SONAR System that uses reflection of underwater sound waves to detect objects. A sound wave is emitted in the direction you want to “see”, if something is there then the sound will bounce off of it and return to it’s source. There it will be interpreted as an image by a computer. SONAR

6 Ultrasound Uses high frequency (pitched) sound waves for a wide variety of uses. They can be used to clean jewelry Clean glassware in a chemistry lab Create an image Medical uses

7 Ultrasound Imagining

8 Ultrasound treatment Sometimes minerals build up in your kidneys (kidney stone) and create blockages that prevent you from going to the restroom, or at least make it excruciating to go. Doctors can use ultrasounds to vibrate to mineral deposit and break it up into smaller pieces that can be passed more easily. How it works

9 Content Check How does sonar detect underwater objects?
How is sonar similar to echolocation? How do they differ? How does ultrasound imaging use reflected waves?

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