Instructions and Images

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions and Images"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions and Images
ABO/ RH Lab Instructions and Images

2 Place one drop of anti-serum A in one well, one drop of anti-serum B in another well and one drop of anti-serum C in the final well.

3 Add one drop of blood to each well.

4 Use an applicator stick to mix each well
Use an applicator stick to mix each well. Look for agglutination in the wells.

5 Draw your slide reactions to show agglutination.


7 What is this blood type?

8 What is this blood type? A/RH+

9 What is this blood type?

10 What is this blood type? B/RH-

11 What is this blood type?

12 What is this blood type? AB/RH+

13 What is this blood type?

14 What is this blood type? O/RH-

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