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Project nur.

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1 Project nur

2 Project Nur is a student-led initiative advocating for social justice by empowering responsible leaders to cultivate an environment of acceptance and mutual respect between Muslims and all communities.


4 Lead a movement to promote principles of human rights and civil rights in the United States and around the world by raising awareness through programs and events. Engage student leaders in civil and entrepreneurial initiatives by actively participating in projects in our local communities and abroad. Provide a space for every one of different cultural backgrounds and experience to celebrate the diversity in our nation. Build the next generation of leaders to remedy the challenges facing the American Muslim community through action-based initiatives focused on promoting coexistence of all communities. the goals of project nur is to educate the public of something that isn't outspoken of on the media. in order to do this, project nur promotes *the bolded words*

5 What is the difference between an activist and an advocate?
An activist is a person who makes an intentional action to bring about social or political change Example: Rosa Parks is a civil rights activist who challenged racial segregation by refusing to give up her seat on a bus for white men An advocate is one who speaks on behalf of another person or group Example: Angelina Jolie is a UN Goodwill Ambassador who uses her fame to advocate for refugees In other words, activism is a type of advocacy. an activist is someone who does something in order to get a response that will create change.. example would be mohammad bouzazi that set himself on fire which led to the arab spring an advocate is someone who speaks on behalf of someone else..

6 Can you name an advocate?

7 Why do we advocate? Because change is inevitable—but the direction of change isn’t. That is what we can influence. Because through advocacy we can achieve change from the local to the international level and have impact on those who influence change. Because advocacy acts as a multiplier on the effectiveness of the work we do on the ground. we can make a difference. its been shown in history that one person can influence change in society. you are able to not only raise awareness but also make a difference in other peoples lives. the more dedication, the more people you have invovled, the more effective the change will be

8 Traits of a Good (effective) Advocate
Effective communicator: speak clearly, forcefully, understand all sides of the issue Assertive: rely on skills of persuasion, pushy without pushing people off Passionate: energy, enthusiasm helps overcome obstacles Knowledgeable: understand the laws and issues surrounding their cases you have to be able to understand both sides of a story.. doesn't necessarily mean you believe that but you need to be unbiased. you have to be passionate.. you need to be able to dedicate time and energy. you need to at least be familiar with events that are going on

9 Provides seamless transition by teaming with resettlement agencies as both partners and mentors. 
Focuses on translation skills, but moreover in working to educate case workers on the situation in Syria, its overall ethnic landscape, and the culture of its people.


11 Personal hygiene and wellness seminars
Skill building process and techniques Job search and placement preparation and transitioning On-the-job work conduct English as a second language

12 Interested individuals will be assigned to a newly settled refugee family. A local refugee resettlement program already sponsors the refugee families by providing housing, food stipend, and work transitions. However, they may need additional support including, but not limited to the following: • Assistance with understanding mail, financial statements • Transportation to and from grocery stores, appointments, etc. • Help with schoolwork and possible communication with schools

13 Kunkush video Tabboush video Obama video

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