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Organ donation By Samantha Heagerty.

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1 Organ donation By Samantha Heagerty

2 It can affect anyone (personal story)

3 Organ Donation Organ donation can change and save a person’s life. It’s not the patients himself/herself, who is affected by this but also family, friends and their surroundings.

4 The need is there! Throughout the nation people rely on new organ and organ donations. The problem is that there is a lack of organs and organ donors who make organ transplantation possible. As of this moment 79,000 patients are on the transplanting list here in the US. 3,000 are added to this list monthly. A new name is added to the national waiting list every 16 minutes. Every day between 16 to 17 die whilst waiting for a transplant. Of the 79,000 patient waiting for a transplant, over 10% of these are children under the age of 18. There are only on the average 5,000 donors nationally per year.

5 Think about it! There are so many ways to help and make a difference! However people must be willing to donate their organs in order to solve this dilemma. 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives. For every 13 organ donors, 104 lives could be saved. After a transplant of a vital organ, the average survival rate is over 80%. A massive increase from the 20% that would live without the surgery.

6 All it takes is just one person!
Organ donation benefits both the donor’s family and the recipients. If you do donate your organs, your family and the people who receive your organs might benefit in a similar way like this family. A seventeen year old died of head injuries in a car accident. His mom decided to donate his organs. His heart went to a prison chaplain, his kidneys went to a mother of 5 children and a Vietnam vet. The Vietnam vet is "energetic" and finally is getting his college degree. The teenager gave life to others and his family feels a sense of satisfaction and comfort that other lives have been touched by his.

7 Summary / End Donating your organs can be one of the most important decisions you ever make and also the greatest gift you could ever give. There is a need for organ donors in our area. How you can become an organ donor after you die. Family and organ recipients benefit from your donation. You can become a donor by talking to your family and making sure they know you want to be a donor. You can fill out and sign a donor card, and indicate your wishes on your driver’s license. Get in touch with your local doctor and he will give you all the information you need know. You fill out one form, and receive a card. Then, once you have passed away in many years to come, your organs will be removed and will give somebody else the chance of life.

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