Take the Next Faithful Step

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1 Take the Next Faithful Step
Clear Lake Presbyterian Church Discipleship Leadership Workshop Part 2

2 Goal: Thriving Communities of Disciples
Ordinary, everyday individuals who are … empowered by the Holy Spirit, increasingly devoted to God, growing in likeness to Jesus, and living in generous love with their neighbors. The fruit of this lifestyle is disciples who make disciples, building for God’s Kingdom. We grow as a disciple when we… Empower by moving upward – into deeper intimacy with Christ Engage by moving outward – into fuller participation in God’s mission in the world Embrace by moving inward – into more authentic relationships with other believers


4 Tools to help you move spiritually

5 Stage 1: Come and See John 1:35-39 An invitation to move toward belief
Exploring faith, but not committed yet “I’m curious about Jesus and want to know more about who he was and what he taught.”

6 Stage 1 Catalysts Safe place to ask questions about faith
Help in learning how to study the Bible Finding a place to belong in the worshipping community Regular invitations to follow Christ

7 Getting stuck in stage 1 Enjoy the community without ever making a decision to follow Jesus. Learn all about Jesus without surrendering life to Jesus. How to get unstuck: Invite a conversation about implications of Jesus’ teaching & person’s involvement in the Christian community. What would it mean for this person to follow Jesus?

8 Stage 2: Come and Follow Me
Matthew 4:18-20 An invitation to learn and build a foundation “The productive life” “I love to study the Bible and serve my church.”

9 Stage 2 Catalysts Practicing spiritual rhythms (practices)
Safe groups to talk about faith & study the Bible together Opportunities to step outside comfort zone to serve Safe group to process faith challenges & “walls”

10 Getting stuck in stage 2 Limit their faith to knowledge – to what they learn in Sunday school or in a Bible study (consume knowledge without living it) Scared or unwilling to be vulnerable about real life stuff and how it relates to faith Sometimes it may be good for a person stuck in stage 2 to give up an education class & try a small group

11 Stage 3: Come and Be with Me
Mark 3:13-15 An invitation to intimacy & surrender An inward journey “I long to be with Jesus, sometimes without words.”

12 Stage 3 Catalysts Margin for spiritual rhythms & regular reflection on faith Stepping outside comfort zone in: study, spiritual practices, & mission Micro group of 2 or 3 people that share deeply with one another

13 Getting stuck in stage 3 Focus solely on personal spiritual practices – which does not translate into action or an integrated life It may help a stage 3 person to intentionally choose to go outside his/her comfort zone

14 Stage 4: Abide with Me John 15:4-5
An invitation to sacrifice & obedience Giving up that which is important to you for what God is calling you to do. “I am “all in” for Jesus. My whole life is a reflection of Jesus and God’s Kingdom.”

15 Stage 4 Catalysts Opportunities to mentor others
Micro groups of 2 or 3 people Spiritual direction

16 Getting stuck in stage 4 Can become isolated – alone with Jesus, apart from the community Can think we have “arrived” and no longer need to grow Encourage Stage 4 people to mentor others as a way of getting unstuck

17 How to know you’re stuck
Discontent with the way things are Favorite methods for growing don’t work anymore A hunger for something more People in stages 1 & 2 need more direction; people in stages 3 & 4 need more discernment

18 For the stage assigned to your table:
What resources & practices were or would be helpful for me in this stage? How would I walk with and encourage my best friend in this stage? How would I walk with and encourage someone who I'm "mentoring" in this stage?

19 Stage 1 ideas Empower: Study a Gospel, attend Bible 101 SS class
Embrace: Find a place to belong (we come to know Jesus in community) Engage: Volunteer at the church; pass out homeless care bags

20 Stage 2 ideas Empower: Study the Bible (Bible 101, Community Bible Study); Experiment with spiritual rhythms (like daily prayer, weekly worship, Bible study); participate in 21 day prayer challenge this Lent Embrace: Join a small group (could be a SS class) Commend Spiritual Formation 201 Engage: Volunteer at the church, serve the Clear Lake community as a small group (Galveston Street Ministry, food pantry at Clear Lake Baptist)

21 Stage 3 ideas Empower: Go deeper in study – read things that challenge you (like through Faith Seeking Understanding); Experiment with spiritual rhythms that help you “be” with Jesus (contemplative prayer, fasting); attend silent retreat Embrace: Join a small group that does spiritual practices together Engage: Find a place to serve outside of CLPC; get to know your neighbors

22 Stage 4 ideas Empower: Experiment with spiritual rhythms that help you surrender your agenda to God. Embrace: Find one or two prayer partners, meet once a week to talk about how faith is intersecting with your life Engage: Go outside your comfort zone to share Christ with others; Get commissioned to be on mission in your community.

23 Resources & reading list
(helps people identify what stage they are in and offers specific content to help them move to the next stage) Ascending Leaders small group material ( especially Your Pathways Janet O. Hagberg & Robert A. Guelich, The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith Greg L. Hawkins & Cally Parkinson, Move: What 1,000 Churches Reveal About Spiritual Growth Stephen A. Macchia, Crafting a Rule of Life Ben Connelly & Bob Roberts, Jr., A Field Guide for Everyday Mission

24 Next Steps Take the next faithful step:
Do one thing that helps you know God better Talk to someone you lead or are walking alongside about the next faithful step they can take Next Workshop: Interpersonal & group dynamics Fall 2017 Speaker TBD


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