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Crystal Field expanded on renormalized spherical Harmonics Clm

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1 Crystal Field expanded on renormalized spherical Harmonics Clm
Maurits W. Haverkort Institute for theoretical physics – Heidelberg University

2 From potentials to matrix elements of the Hamiltonian
Crystal-field theory Approximate the solid by a single atom in an effective potential And matrix elements of the Hamiltonian: !!!! WARNING !!!! Crystal-field potentials do not exist. They are effective Hamiltonians introduced to mimic covalent bonding. (crystals bind due to a gain in kinetic energy and a smaller loss in potential energy, i.e. the contribution of the crystal-field potential to binding is negative) Covalent bonds are stronger than ionic bonds

3 From potentials to matrix elements of the Hamiltonian
Atomic basis sets: (also Gaussian, muffin-tin orbitals, …) Expand potential on spherical harmonics.

4 From potentials to matrix elements of the Hamiltonian
Atomic basis sets: (also Gaussian, muffin-tin orbitals, …)

5 Not all values of Akm are allowed (many are zero)
Selection rules on angular momentum conservation Hamiltonian is Hermitian

6 Not all values of Akm are allowed (many are zero)
Symmetry related: For all “rotations” of the point-group Ci we have Cubic: (Oh) eg d t2g

7 Not all values of Akm are allowed (many are zero)
Tetragonal: (D4h) a1g eg b1g d eg t2g All other point-groups available several exported in Mathematica Help files and function PotentialExpandedOnClm() for others, just sent an b2g


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