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CHAPTER 32 Revolutions of Latin America

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1 CHAPTER 32 Revolutions of Latin America

2 I. Latin America After World War II II
I. Latin America After World War II II. Radical Options in the 1950s III. Societies in Search of Change

3 I. Latin America After World War II -virtually untouched
Mexico PRI Party Party of the Institutionalized Republic (control Mex for 75 years) economic growth/ISI World Cups/ Olympics Zapatistas-Peasant and Indian Rebellion in Chiapas Mex… NAFTA- hurts US…provides cheap labor 2000 national election PRI out- PAN win…new direction for Mex

4 II. Radical Options in the 1950s
A. Guatemala: Reform and U.S. Intervention Economic disparities Coffee, banana export Foreign interests e.g. United Fruit Company 1951 elections Jacobo Arbenz elected more radical land reform U.S. steps in overthrows him with CIA help… Reform ends starts 30 year civil war

5 Liberation Theology: Chang e in the Catholic Church to begin supporting the people

6 II. Military Govt’s Military intervenes in politics, 1960s
often U.S.-backed Brazil -military takes over, 1964 Argentina -military coup, 1966 Chile -Salvador Allende, socialist overthrown by military1973


8 III. Societies in Search of Change
A. Slow Change in Women's Roles Vote Ecuador, 1929 some only in 1950s Significant progress by mid-80s B. The Movement of People Mortality down, fertility up Urban growth Mexico City, São Paolo, 1999 18 million shantytowns III. Societies in Search of Change C. Cultural Reflections of Despair and Hope Popular culture strong blend Jorge Luis Borges Gabriel García Marquez

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