Preparation for Field Fair

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for Field Fair"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for Field Fair

2 How to prepare Select a minimum of 5 agencies that you are interested in Research your agency: Mission, goals, history, size, structure, leadership, oversight, accreditation, funding, activities, services, locations, community partners, regulations, news, fundraisers, events, clients, area covered, etc.

3 How to prepare Research the area covered by your agency: Geography
Population Demographics SES etc

4 How to prepare Try to get a job description for the position at the agency. If you can’t get a job description, for the specific position at your agency, try to find one for a similar position at a similar agency Resume Update your resume Tailor the resume for the specific agency you want. Have at least 1 copy for each agency you are going to interview with Consider putting a picture on your resume so the field instructors can remember you

5 How to prepare Dress like you want the field position
Dress for the job you want when you graduate You don’t have to go overboard If you have any questions, ask one of us or someone already in the field Different agencies have different dress standards and expectations

6 Questions you need to be able to answer
Why do you want to do field placement at our agency? What do you know about our agency? What do you know about our clients? What do you know about our services? What do you know about what we do here? What do you know about psychiatric hospitals/medical social work/CPS/APS/CAC/Rape Crisis/CIU/domestic violence, etc? How do you feel (or what are your thoughts) about working with our population?

7 Questions you need to be able to answer
How does doing your field education at our agency fit into your overall goals? What do you think a social worker does at x agency? What types of knowledge, skills, and abilities do you think a student would need to know to complete their field education here? Why do you want to be a social worker? What are your plans after graduation? What are your goals- 3 years, 5 years, 10 years? What kind of social work do you want to do?

8 Questions you need to be able to answer
What are your top 5 strengths? Give examples What are your top 5 weaknesses? Give examples Give me an example of a time that you had to deal with conflict. Give me an example of a time when you had to deal with an ethical conflict. Tell me about your biggest regret. Tell me about your biggest accomplishment. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

9 Questions you need to be able to answer
If you couldn’t be a social worker, what would you do? What do you do for fun? What do you do to relax? How do you deal with stress? Tell me about a time when you had to deal with conflict. How did you deal with it? Tell me how you feel about that. What are your thoughts and feelings on making reports to APS/CPS? What makes you the most nervous/scared/apprehensive about being placed at our agency?

10 Questions you may want to ask
How much client contact will you get? What type of client contact? Will you be expected to drive significantly? Will they reimburse for mileage? What expectations will they have of you? Who will be your supervisor? How much will your supervisor be with you? How much macro experience will you get? Writing grants Funding Policy

11 Things to keep in mind What days/times are you available?
Can the agency meet your needs in terms of hours/schedule? How does this agency/population/experience fit into your overall plan?

12 During the interviews Introduce yourself Stay off your phone
It’s probably a good idea to just leave the phone in your car. Speak clearly and so they can hear you Use all of your good micro skills- eye contact, non-verbal communication, listening skills, etc. Do not be too familiar Find a way to show them you did your research, but don’t make it too obvious or obnoxious. If you are asked a question that you don’t know, be honest and say “I don’t know.” And then find the answer and get back to them.

13 Longest interview ever
Begins the minute you meet the field instructors The various staff at agencies here talk to each other People will look at your facebook, twitter, etc. How you act when out in public can affect your field placement and your prospects for a job/grad school Consider how you will be perceived by those representing agencies that hire social workers.

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