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Starter: Why did the Potsdam conference lead to increased tension between America & the USSR (Russia)? Atlee UK Truman USA Stalin USSR.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Why did the Potsdam conference lead to increased tension between America & the USSR (Russia)? Atlee UK Truman USA Stalin USSR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Why did the Potsdam conference lead to increased tension between America & the USSR (Russia)? Atlee UK Truman USA Stalin USSR

2 What can you see in this picture? What do you think has happened?

3 Explain how the Atomic bomb was developed
Today we will: Explain how the Atomic bomb was developed Understand why the U.S.A dropped the Atomic Bomb.

4 After the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939, the physicists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard warned the U.S. government of the danger if the Nazis should be the first to make a nuclear bomb.

Scientists in America had been working the bomb for years. In March 1945 they carried out the first successful test in the desert in Mexico. The effect was tremendous. Scientists had invented the most powerful weapon on earth, with the power for total destruction. The Americans had two more of these bombs left. 3min 10 seconds Read and complete the sheets on the Manhattan project

6 Click on the map to see the destruction.

7 The war in the Pacific The war in Europe ended in May 1945, but the war in the Pacific between America (and the allies) and Japan raged on. The USA believed that Japan would never surrender and Japan had 5,000 aircraft and 5 million soldiers prepared to fight to the death. What do you think the U.S President (Truman) would have thought when he heard there were these two bombs ready to use?

8 While in Potsdam, Truman told Stalin about the United States' “new weapon”. Truman knew that with the use of the weapon they would not rely on Russian support to get Japanese surrender.

9 On July 26 an ultimatum was issued from the conference to Japan demanding unconditional surrender and threatening heavier air attacks. Japan rejected this ultimatum.

10 Understand why the U.S.A dropped the Atomic Bomb.
Today we will: Understand why the U.S.A dropped the Atomic Bomb. Consider the long and short term effects of the Atomic Bomb. Discuss if using an atomic weapon can be justified

11 Starter:Why did the USA drop the Bomb
Starter:Why did the USA drop the Bomb? Create a spider diagram to record your ideas.. A military weapon to end the war quickly and save lives. Keep the Russians out of the war in the Pacific Why did the USA drop The Atomic Bombs on Japan? Revenge for Pearl Harbour and Japanese war crimes against Allied prisoners of war To test the weapon on live human beings to see what affect it had.

12 Lead up to the mission First 8 minutes

13 The first bomb – “Little Boy”
The first bomb dropped Hiroshima. On August 6th 1945 at 8.15am, There was a glaring pink light which burned out people’s eyes. Anyone within a kilometre of the explosion became a bundle of smoking charcoal within seconds. 1 minute- 70,000 people were dead and those still alive were in agony with severe burns. Destroyed 78,000 buildings. 69% of the city's buildings were completely destroyed

14 Damage Done to Hiroshima
The centre of the explosion was hotter than the surface of the sun!

15 The second bomb – “Fat Man”
Three days later, America dropped the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, killing 36,000 people instantly. the dead totaled 73,884, the injured 74,909 and diseased several hundred thousand. Within 6 days Japan had surrendered to America and the war in the Pacific was over.

16 Rest of the mission Optional from 8 minutes to the end

17 Think about the rules of war
Was it worth it? The human cost of the bombs was terrible. The world had never witnessed a weapon like it and would never see it used in combat again. The effects of the bomb are still being felt. Have a look at these pictures and the theory of `Just War` and see if you think it was worth it.. Think about the rules of war

18 Remember you studied this is S2 R.M.E
Just War Theory A Just War is a war which has to be fought but is conducted according to certain conditions. 1. The war must do more good than harm. Remember you studied this is S2 R.M.E 2. There must be a good reason for the war which doesn’t include greed. 3. The war must be the last resort. 4. The intention of the war must be to do good not evil. The war must be proportional: only enough force must be used, and civilian casualties limited.






24 Create a leaflet You must read through the 10 effects of the atomic bomb on the sheet. You are now going to create an information leaflet on the devastating effects on the atomic bomb. Your leaflet must show: Short term impact of using the bomb on a country. (All) Long term impact on using the bomb on a country. (All) Do you think that the atomic bomb should be used in war or should it never be an option? Justify YOUR OPINION (MOST) 4. Push yourself– try and Refer to just war theory. (SOME) Created as a memorial to victims

25 Was the Cold War inevitable after the dropping of the atomic bomb?
Challenge Question! Was the Cold War inevitable after the dropping of the atomic bomb? 25

26 Pair/share What evidence do you have that the Cold War inevitable/ bound to happen? How important do you think the bomb was compared to other reasons for Russia and America falling out? Was the dropping of the atomic bomb the start of a nuclear arms race & the Cold War?

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