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Sustainability Assessment of Family House - Case Study

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1 Sustainability Assessment of Family House - Case Study
Eva KRÍDLOVÁ BURDOVÁ* , Silvia VILČEKOVÁ, Martin GROHOĽ Institute of Environemntal Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia,

2 Objectives FAMILY HOUSE:
The aim of this paper is evaluation of selected family house by system BEAS in fields: A new Building Environmental Assessment System (BEAS) has been developed at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Košice. List of indicator included relevant contributions of a building sustainability defined in ISO :2011 . The proposed indicators respect Slovak standards and rules. The evaluation is performed in the stage of new construction. After evaluating the family house there will be proposed measures which can contribute to better functionality, operation and sustainability of the family house. Sustainable building C Indoor Environment D Energy Performance E Water Management F Waste Management A Building Site and Project Planning B Building construction FAMILY HOUSE: Foundations are designed with a width of 600 mm and a height of 1,000 mm of concrete C12/15. External walls and internal bearing walls are designed from POROTHERM bricks on mortar lime-MVC with thickness of 440 mm, respectively 300 mm. The horizontal structure consists of reinforced concrete ceiling above ground floor with thickness of 180 mm, reinforcing concrete ring beam. It is designed as reinforced concrete elements from concrete C20/25 (B20).

3 Methods The system BEAS is used for evaluation of selected family house. Selected family house was designed according to requirements of the customer, in order to ensure a higher level of well-being. Family house is assessed as new building according to project documentation and actual state in the time of evaluation. House is located in Košice - Krásna, district of Košice in east Slovakia. House is designed as two-storied building. Windows are plastic with brake thermal bridge. Glazing system is designed as a triple glazing. Family house is connected to a public network connection of wiring, water and sewage. Family house is connected to the public water supply. Sewage is designed as pressure sewage system. Floor heating is designed in all rooms of house. Source of the heating is heat pump - Daikin of 16 kW.

4 Final result: 2.57 – Environmentally friendly building
Results Main fields of assessment Result Weights A Site selection and project planning: Use of land with previously high ecological sensitivity or value; Land vulnerable to flooding; Land close to water endangered contamination; Distance to commercial and cultural facilities; public green space; to road-traffic infrastructure; Development of density; Possibility of change of building purpose; Impact of the design on existing streetscapes; Compatibility of urban design with local cultural values; Policies governing use of private vehicles; Guarantee of sufficient public green space; Provision of trees whit shading potential 1.69 14.71 % B Building constructions: Degree of re-use of suitable existing structures where available; Use of materials that are locally produced; Material efficiency of structural and building envelope components; Radioactivity of building materials; Ease of disassembly, re-use or recycling Primary energy embodied in building materials; GWP; AP 1.92 20.59 % C Indoor environmental quality: Thermal comfort; Humidity; Acoustic; Daylighting; TVOC; Indoor air quality; Radon; NOx; PM10; Microbe 2.50 23.56 % D Energy performance: Energy consumption for heating; Energy consumption for domestic hot water; Energy consumption for mechanical ventilation and Energy consumption for cooling; Energy consumption for lighting; Energy consumption for appliances; Solar system; Heat pump; Photovoltaic technology; Heat recuperation; Energy management system; Operation and maintenance; Degree of local control of lighting systems and personal control of technical systems by occupants 4.00 26.47 % E Water management: Reduction and regulation of water flow; Surface water run-off; Drinking water supply; Using filtration “grey water” 1.25 8.88 % F Waste management: Measures to minimize waste resulting from building operation; to minimize emission resulting from building construction, operations and demolition ; Risk of hazardous waste resulting from facility operations 2.92 5.88 % Final result: 2.57 – Environmentally friendly building This family house obtained 2.57 from 5 point scale. In Table is shown detail information and results of assessment. Evaluated family house according to system BEAS meets the requirements of environmentally friendly buildings. The best score was in the field of ​​energy performance. Our proposed improvements: selection of a more suitable location for a building in the land with a higher level of environmental quality; increase the proportion of product with the environmental label and recycled materials; improving the indoor environment in a family house can be achieved in increasing of comfort in the cooling season. Key Certification -1 negative practice Environmentally nonaccetable building acceptable practice Environmentally acceptable building 3 good practice Environmentally friendly building 5 best practice Sustainable building

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