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It made a difference to that one… The starfish story It made a difference to that one…

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4 It made a difference to that one…
The starfish story It made a difference to that one…

5 Where is Ahamadabad?

6 Ahamadabad The smallest Lasallian school in Pakistan
All students come from very poor families Parents are generally earning daily wages working as road workers, labourers, garbage pickers, or domestic servants The school has seven female teachers and two support staff. Since 2010, enrolments have increased to 165.

7 Ahamadabad Students Almost 50% of the students are too poor to pay the PKR200 (A$2.48)/month school fees School is reliant on a subsidy from La Salle High School Multan They also receive donations of secondhand stationery, learning resources, uniforms, sports equipment, computers and text books from La Salle Multan Situated on Brothers-owned land on the outskirts of Multan

8 Ahamadabad 2016 Needs met by ANZ Schools:
Support for school fees and teachers salaries New classroom furniture Text books and learning resources Repair of student toilets Fixing the access road to improve student and staff safety

9 Ahamadabad 2016 needs completed:
Repairs and painting of the school building

10 Ahamadabad 2016 needs still under construction: New Principal’s office
Three additional classrooms Staff toilets

11 2016 Pakistan support from St Johns Dandenong
Learning equipment, materials, stationery Teachers salaries Teaching resources Areas of greatest need e.g. clean drinking water, classroom furniture

12 2017 request to St Johns Dandenong
Purchase a school vehicle = A$15,000

13 “I made a difference to that one…”
The starfish story “I made a difference to that one…”


15 Wellsprings for Women

16 Quick Facts Established in 1994 as a drop in centre for isolated, vulnerable women Grew in response to identified needs of women in Dandenong, Casey and Cardinia 90% of women are from migrant and refugee backgrounds a mixture of newly arrived, long established, and increasingly more asylum seekers About 260 women attendances per week across programs We employ 6.5 EFT or 13 staff 70 volunteers

17 Programs English Literacy Computer literacy
3 levels English conversation Computer literacy Learning to Live in Australia Prevention of Violence Against Women Respectful Relationships Parenting in a new culture Healthy eating Productive Living in Australia Sewing Home visitation Mentoring Home work support Volunteering Art and Craft Painting Choir Zumba Yoga Line Dancing

18 Challenges for Wellsprings Women
Residual settlement needs Isolation Language proficiency Lack of education Lack of knowledge and understanding of the service systems and how to access them Poverty Mental health Trauma (pre-migration, family violence, post migration) Unemployment Parenting in a new culture Relationships conflict Lack of capacity for self-reliance

19 Strengths of wellsprings women
Resilience Motivation to build a better future for their children Eager to learn and engage with broader society Empathy Living frugally Environmentally aware as they minimise waste Appreciative of Australian system of governance and protections Generous in sharing their own knowledge and skills from home country

20 Our Approach Empowerment of women through: Education Information
Awareness raising Skill acquisition Consultations Advocacy Group and one on one support Robust referrals Holistic approach Trauma informed-care Providing a safe environment Child friendly environment

21 How St John’s Regional College Can help
Every year St John’s Regional College supports Wellsprings with fundraising during Making a Difference Month. In 2016 we received: $11,608.37 The money raised contributed to the Productive Learning in Australia Program

22 Productive Learning in Australia
Based on the principle: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day, Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”




26 Where to from here We need to build on the PLA program and raise resources to take the women to the next step. In order to make their products more marketable we need to engage: Professional designers Experts at marketing and branding Train the women in business skills Build partnerships with business sector Source business mentors for the women to support their journey and goals to become economically independent


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