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The War in the Pacific Ch 20.2.

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1 The War in the Pacific Ch 20.2

2 The Fall of the Philippines
The Japanese attacked American airfields in the Philippines, a few hours after Pearl Harbor Two days later the Japanese landed troops on the Philippines The American and Filipino forces were greatly outnumbered General Douglas MacArthur was the commander

3 The Fall of the Philippines
Lack of food and supplies, combine with diseases such as malaria and dysentery took their tool on the American troops Roosevelt order MacArthur to return to the United States because his capture would have been demoralizing to the American people

4 Surrender of the Philippines
The U.S. surrendered the Philippines and nearly 78,000 Americans/Filipinos were taken as prisoners of war (POW) Death March The POW’s were forced to march 65 miles to a Japanese Prison Camp Over 10,000 died on this march (many were too sick/weak)

5 The Doolittle Raid on Tokyo
Roosevelt wanted to bomb Tokyo American carriers couldn't get close enough to launch planes Replaced the planes with B-25 Long Range Bombers, but they would be unable to land back on the carriers April 18th America bombed Tokyo for the first time

6 The Doolittle Raid 14:30

7 Japan Changes Strategy
After the bombing the Japanese changed their strategy They now decided they needed to destroy the American fleet in order to protect Tokyo from bombing Thus they attacked Midway Island in order to draw out the American Fleet

8 Midway Island The U.S. picked up transmission of the Japanese intended attack on Midway Island, and prepared for battle The Japanese headed into an ambush: 38 Planes were shot down Then a counterattack was launched: American planes bombed Japanese carriers while they were exposed refueling planes The Japanese lost 4 Carriers and had to retreat This was a major turning point of the war


10 WWII in HD Clip episode-3-bloody-resolve_shortfilms 16:52 Start

11 MacArthur Returns

12 MacArthur Returns “I Shall Return”
Campaign began by invading Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands MacArthur's troops captured enough islands to surround the main Japanese base in the region Although the United States was successful during the Island Hopping Campaign, the casualties were extremely high

13 Taking Back the Philippines
United States assembled an enormous invasion force 700 ships carrying 160,000 troops The Japanese sent four aircraft carriers from the north and secretly dispatched another fleet from the west The US believed that the main attack was going to be from the North and sent many of their troops to the Northern Shore At this point the Japanese began an all out assault/ambush on the American Ships that were left on the Western Coast of the Philippines (Leyte Gulf)

14 Taking Back The Philippines
The Battle of Leyte Gulf The largest naval battle in history First time we saw Kamikaze attacks The Japanese were beginning to destroy the American Ships and take the Gulf but the Japanese commander retreated his fleet because he believe more American Ships were on the way

15 Taking Back The Philippines
The campaign to take back the Philippines was long and grueling, 80,000 Japanese had died Macarthur’s troops were finally able to retake the capital city of Manila in March of 1945, but the battle left the city in ruins and caused the death of 100,000 Filipino civilians Japan had retreated to a small section of the northern Philippines, but were continuing to fight up until the war ended

16 Taking Back the Philippines Clip

17 Homework Finish Reading Ch. 20.3 The War in Europe
Complete Questions # 1-5 : Due on Monday

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