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Theories of intrapersonal capacity 2

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1 Theories of intrapersonal capacity 2
BMS 361 Principles of Learning and Health Education Theories of intrapersonal capacity 2 Dr. Fatmah Almoayad

2 Outline Main models of intrapersonal capacity (cont.).
Application of theories.

3 Models of Intrapersonal capacity
The rational model. The health belief model. The extended parallel process model. The transtheoretical model. The theory of planned behaviour. The activated health education model.

4 The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Behavioral change requires intention. Intention is influenced by: Attitude. Perception of social norms. Perceived behavioral control.

5 Behavioural intention
Perceived likelihood of performing behaviour. Example: “I am going to quit smoking this Monday”

6 Measuring Behavioural intention
Asking about the likelihood of performing the behaviour? Example: Is it likely for you to quit smoking. Are you intending to breastfeed.

7 Attitude Personal evaluation of the behaviour. Example: Smoking is dangerous for my health. Smoking is cooling and makes me look like an adult.

8 Measuring attitude Asking how the behaviour is viewed (good, bad, neutral). Example: What do you think of breastfeeding?

9 Subjective norm Beliefs about whether key people approve or disapprove of the behaviour; motivation to behave in a way that gains their approval. Example: I wonder if my friends would like me to quit smoking?

10 Measuring subjective norm
Asking about the extent o f which people agree or disagree with certain behaviour. Example: Would your friend accept a non-smoker with them. Is breastfeeding welcomed in your family?

11 Perceived behavioural control
Belief that one has, and can exercise, control over performing the behaviour. Example: “I can quit smoking, even if I’m hooked on cigarettes”

12 Measuring perceived behavioural control
Asking if the behavioural change is up to the person. Example: Can you quit smoking when you want? Is it your decision to breastfeed?

13 The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Attitude Behavioral change Subjective norm Perceived behavioral control intention

14 The Activated Health Education Model
Three-phased model. It involves assessment, awareness, followed by change

15 The experiential phase (Assessment)
Actively engages individuals in the assessment of their health. Through activities such as: field study laboratory testing/screening surveys of the target behaviour Individuals become aware of their actual health behaviour. This phase establishes baseline measures and identifies observable behaviours for future goals setting.

16 The awareness phase Presents information that provides a rationale for including the previously completed experiential activity and creates awareness of the target behaviour. This phase focuses on increasing feelings of susceptibility and creating tension between actual and ideal behaviour.

17 The responsibility phase
Involves participants in the change process, facilitates their identification and clarification of personal health values, and develops a customized plan for behaviour change. Self-management strategies are introduced and participants develop their own plans of action such as: self-monitoring, setting measurable goals, stimulus control, use of social support systems and visual imagery in goal achievement.

18 The Activated Health Education Model

19 The Activated Health Education Model
The model, assumes that phase one precedes the other phases and that phase two will decrease in emphasis as phase three increases in emphasis.

20 Any questions?

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