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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 Science Science explains and predicts the interactions and dynamics of complex Earth systems. The natural world is understandable and explained using science, thus the origin or Earth Science. EX: Warm Ocean Water creates Hurricanes near the equator.

3 Gathering Information
Information and evidence used to explain these complex interactions of Earth Systems are both observational and experimental. New evidence enables changes in understandings of complex Earth Systems. The Scientific Method is used to attain new evidence.

4 Definition The scientific method is a process that scientists use to determine the results of an experiment.

5 7 Steps of Scientific Method
There are 7 steps of the scientific method. They are: State the problem Research the problem Form a Hypothesis Test the hypothesis Record Data Make a Conclusion Repeat

6 State the Problem State the problem means to identify what scientific problem you want to figure out. Example:Does a big foot mean you are tall?

7 Research the Problem Researching the problem means collecting information about your problem.

8 Form an Hypothesis An hypothesis is an educated guess. It is a guess about what your answer will be to your problem. Example: If you have a big foot, you are going to be very tall.

9 Test the Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis is where you will actually do your experiment. You will set up an experiment to prove your hypothesis either correct or incorrect. Example:Measure foot size and height of 10 of your friends.

10 Record Data Record Data means you gather the information that you just generated during your experiment.

11 Make a Conclusion Make a conclusion means you look at your data and explain that your hypothesis was correct or incorrect. Example:My hypothesis was correct. I measured 10 of my friends feet and 8 of them have big feet. Those same 8 people are very tall. The other 2 people have small feet and they are very short.

12 Repeat Repeat means to go back and recreate the experiment to make sure the conclusion is correct.

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