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Mr. Williams 10th Grade U.S. History

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1 Mr. Williams 10th Grade U.S. History
WWII Ends Mr. Williams 10th Grade U.S. History

2 Effects of WWII Allies occupied Japan and Europe (MacArthur and Marshall Plan) War led to renewed commitment to idea of collective security (U.N.) Conflict began between USSR and Allies over fate of conquered European areas (Cold War) U.S. emerged as world’s strongest military power (leads to Arms Race)


4 Yalta Conference February 1945
Big Three: FDR, Churchill, Stalin Goal: Agreement on what to do with the soon-to-be-conquered Germany Divided into four sectors


6 In Poland and other Eastern European countries occupied by USSR, Stalin agreed to hold free elections USSR would declare war on Japan 3 months after Germans were defeated


8 V-E Day April 30, 1945 Hitler Commits Suicide in Berlin bunker
Berlin Surrendered May 2nd May 8th, Karl Donitz officially surrenders and war was over in Europe


10 V-J Day August 6, 1945 Enola Gay drops bomb on Hiroshima
August 9, 1945 atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 15, 1945 Emperor Hirohito surrenders at the end of a radio broadcast




14 United Nations June 1945 representatives from 50 countries met in San Francisco, California to establish the UN Goal: to encourage cooperation among nations and to prevent future wars






20 Creation of Israel (1948) Created to establish a homeland for Jewish people Place of refuge for Holocaust survivors Over the next 70 years, conflict between Israelites, Palestinians and other Arabs


22 Genocide Systematic killing of a specific group of people
Usually motivate by hatred Political, Racial, Cultural, Religious, etc. Over 6,000,000 Jews killed as part of the Holocaust

23 11,000,000 in Germany -Final Solution to eliminate non-Aryans included Communists, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Physically and Mentally Disabled, Anyone of Color 1, 700,000 in Cambodia 800,000 in Rwanda 200,000 in Bosnia 300,000 in Darfur




27 Khmer Rouge Led by Pol Pot 1975-1979
Wanted to take Cambodia back to “Year Zero” Forced population on to collectivized farms in an attempt to make it a communist system




31 Bosnia-1995 After collapse of Soviet Union, groups in the former Yugoslavia fought for their own independent countries Ethnic Cleansing Campaign ordered by Slobodan Milosevic Serbian Nationals in this country tried to wipe out the Muslims who lived there




35 Rwanda-1994 800,000 killed in the span of 100 days
Civil war had been going on in the country for years as the Hutus tried to gain control from the Tutsis After assassination of recently elected Hutu president, massacre occurred


37 Darfur Civil War from between Arabic government in charge and the non-Arab Liberation movement Government responded by forcing non-Arabs into refugee camps and/or mass executions July 2011 Sudan splits into two countries


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