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12-2 Ideas and Art of the Renaissance

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1 12-2 Ideas and Art of the Renaissance

2 Define humanism. Study of the classics, the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome.
What do we call today the study of grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history? Humanities Who was Petrarch? Called the father of Italian Renaissance humanism

3 Petrarch

4 4. Define vernacular. The language spoken in your own region 5
4. Define vernacular? The language spoken in your own region 5. Who wrote the Divine Comedy? Dante 6. What did Christine de Pizan argue? Women could learn as well as men if they can go to the same schools 7. What was Renaissance humanist view on education? Education could dramatically change human beings

5 Dante’s Divine Comedy Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven/Paradise

6 8. The study of liberal arts will enable the individual to do what
8. The study of liberal arts will enable the individual to do what? Reach their full potential 9. What are liberal studies/arts? Study history, moral philosophy, eloquence (or rhetoric) letters (grammar and logic), poetry, mathematics, astronomy, and music. 10. What was the humanist view on physical education? Important to have a healthy body 11. Humanist education was not to create great scholars but _______. Complete citizens

7 12. What was the purpose of education for women
12. What was the purpose of education for women? To learn how to become good wife/mother. 13. Human beings were the "_____________ and _______________ of all things." Center, measure 14. Define fresco? Painting done on fresh, wet plaster w/water-based paints. 15. What were the two important developments in the 15 century Florentine painters? a. Understanding the laws of perspective and the organization of outdoor space and light through geometry b. The realistic portrayal of the individual.

8 Fresco Paintings

9 16. Who was Donatello? Studied the statues of the Greeks and Romans. 17. The final stage of the Italian Renaissance was associated with ______, _____ and ________. Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo 18. Leonardo mastered the art of ____ painting. Realistic 19. What was Raphael famous for painting? Madonna and frescoes in the Vatican Palace 20. What do the figures painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome depict? An ideal type of human being with perfect proportions.

10 Donatello

11 Raphael

12 Michelangelo

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