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Final Communications Campaign

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1 Final Communications Campaign
Silver Team

2 Improving Resume Writing Skills
Purpose / Objective Our purpose is to help students and recent graduates improve their resume writing skills. The ability to write a resume is a vital skill for these individuals to have. They have put in the work to obtain their degree, but if they lack the skills necessary to write a resume, they will likely fail to secure the jobs they desire. Learning Objectives In this course our group covered the subject of communication very thoroughly. As we thought about how communication with businesses affected us as students we immediately thought of resumes. The first form of communication we will have in the business world is this single sheet of paper and on it we have to convince the employer to hire us. This is such an important step in our communication and we want to make sure that others as well as ourselves are prepared to take this step.

3 Audience Our target audience is geared towards University of Utah students who are either currently in school, or have recently graduated. We hope to help them be successful in their transition from school to the workplace. Demographics - Average age of graduating students ( 18-27) Psychographics - Millennials - Feel entitled and may not put as much effort into their resumes as they should. Audience Analysis With the audience consisting of mostly millennials, we face an audience who is used to entitlement and could possibly lack an understanding of why working for things is important.

4 Messaging Goals Given the purpose and objective of this campaign, as well as the demographic and psychographic profile of the target audience, this team has set the following messaging goals: Think Discover how a resume should be formatted Research what to include in a resume Gather Information on the order in which to include things Understand the importance of grammar and proper language. Feel Feel more confident walking into an interview More confident entering the workplace Can increase the likelihood of a good first impression Feel confident helping others to write their resumes.  Do Become more efficient and proper in their resume writing Be able to help others write proper resumes.

5 Key Messages It’s not always necessary that everyone in a target audience remembers every single message in a communications campaign. However, the four key messages this team wants the target audience to retain are: Feel confident submitting resumes. Understand the importance of putting in the work on your resume before submitting it to a potential employer. Understanding what a complete resume should contain. Be able to take the limited experience one may have and make it stand out to an employer.

6 Channels of Communication
Online video  Laminated bookmark Facebook page

7 Book Mark The bookmark will be used to direct people to the Facebook page where they can learn more. This is a good source that students can pick up around campus and put in there textbook or notebooks to use at a later time. It is easy and simple and doesn’t take up as much time as a course or lecture. Student are busy so they will appreciate the ability to look into it whenever there schedule allows.

8 Online Video This video covers the information on how to write and effective resume. It is linked to the Facebook page for easy access. This is a great channel of communication for our audience because the amount of time spent on sites such as YouTube or Facebook is extremely high. They are comfortable with these sources so they will visit them.

9 Facebook Page All of the information is easily accessible on this site. It will also allow for the information to be “shared”. This is a great source for our audience because others can comment sources or things that they found useful. It is also great because our audience target age has a high percentage of Facebook users, they understand how it’s works and they can visit it quickly on their phone or computer.

10 Our Thoughts We believed this project to be very successful. There was a specific chain of communication through our chosen methods. People could hear about us through our bookmarks placed around campus, and be directed to our Facebook page. The page could then be shared by others as well. On our page we provided links to helpful websites, memes, and a video to help walk people through the basic resume writing process. We think that this was very successful because we used forms of communication that were familiar to our audience and easy to access. It flowed, it was simple but informative, and we accomplished all of our goals.

11 Thank you! Bridger, Courtney, Kyle, Quinten, Shane Group Silver
References University Staff. Resumes-Contact Information. Retrieved December, 2016, from University Staff. Resumes- Education. Retrieved December, 2016, from University Staff. Resumes- Work Experience. Retrieved December, 2016, from University Staff. Resumes- Additional Information. Retrieved December, 2016, from Thank you! Bridger, Courtney, Kyle, Quinten, Shane Group Silver

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