EasyEnglish MissionAssist Give out: TEE book LEE book handout

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Presentation on theme: "EasyEnglish MissionAssist Give out: TEE book LEE book handout"— Presentation transcript:

1 EasyEnglish MissionAssist Give out: TEE book LEE book handout
Floppy Disc MissionAssist

2 What is EasyEnglish? A principled way of producing simple English texts A reduced vocabulary and reduced grammar — but perfectly good standard English Geared to people who have some, but not a great deal of English MissionAssist

3 Grammar No passive verbs No rhetorical questions
Verbs rather than abstract nouns Two clauses per sentence MissionAssist

4 Production materials EE is produced using: EasyEnglish Lexicon
EasyEnglish Authors’ Handbook EasyEnglish Checking Software Bible Glossary Handbook MissionAssist

5 Purpose MissionAssist is producing
Bible translation in EasyEnglish Bible commentaries in EasyEnglish Bible studies in EasyEnglish This is one of many MissionAssist ministries — for more info, see Evangelism & follow-up Devotional Worship Counselling - Dr Rhian Lloyd Evangelism by TEFL - 85%; China Jesus Film - Luke; Nazarene pastors; Katy Barnwell’s questions Raymond Brown, David Coffee, John Stott, Steve Dray + MissionAssist

6 Customers We write at two levels for different audiences
1200 word lexicon – “Level A” We target these groups but both levels are applicable to many other people and situations. 2800 word lexicon – “Level B” MissionAssist

7 EasyEnglish Commentaries
Purpose: To help Church Leaders and Pastors with Personal Devotions Sermon Preparation Jan King (AIM) - Kenya Ralph Hangar (African Pastors fellowship) Bible Study Materials MissionAssist

8 EasyEnglish Commentaries
Checked by: Theological Checkers Linguistic Checkers (with a degree in English + TESOL/TEFL qualification) Revd Norman Hillyer London Bible College, Moorlands, Spurgeon’s Theology Dept, Windhoek University, Namibia All books finished and on the web MissionAssist

9 EasyEnglish Bible Translation
All books on the web Deaf Learning Disabled AEE - ‘Churches for All’ refugees Asians in Britain MissionAssist

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