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Supporting your Child in Maths

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1 Supporting your Child in Maths

2 Step by step guide to early practical and written calculation methods.
Based on research of how children best understand numbers and calculation Can be used for large numbers, decimals and negative numbers These methods build up strong visual images, which children can transfer to more difficult calculations Alongside these children develop mental methods and using a calculator

3 Addition Year 1 Number recognition and counting to 20 and beyond
Combining 2 groups of everyday objects Use mathematical language Encourage children to count on from a given number Writing simple number sentences

4 ________________________________
Number line - addition 8 + 5 ________________________________ The answer is 13 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 8 9 10 11 12 13

5 ______________________________
Number line - addition Year 2 ______________________________ The answer is 61 +10 +10 +1 +1 +1 38 48 58 59 60 61

6 __________________________
Number line - addition __________________________ The answer is 88 Always start with largest number and add the smaller number on in steps. +30 +6 52 82 88

7 Subtraction Year 1 Number recognition and counting back from 20
Practically removing everyday objects in 1’s or 2’s from a group Use mathematical language Writing simple number sentences

8 Number line - subtraction
9 – 4 ______________________________ The answer is 5 5 6 7 8 9 -1 -1 -1 -1

9 Number line - subtraction
Year 2 Counting back in tens and ones: 34 – 12 ______________________________ The answer is 22 22 23 24 34 -1 -1 -10

10 Number line - subtraction
Finding a small difference by counting on: ______________________________ The answer is 4 +2 +2 48 50 52

11 Multiplication Year 1 Hopping in 2’s using a number line
Practical activities to count in 2’s Introduce oral counting in 5’s and 10’s

12 Multiplication – pictures & symbols
Year 1/2 There are 4 pencils in one pot. How many pencils are in 4 pots?

13 Multiplication – Arrays Year 2
5 x 2 5 x 2 or 5 + 5 2 x 5 or

14 Multiplication – Number Lines
This can also be shown as: +5 +5 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 ___________________________________ 1 4 5 9 3 2 8 6 7 10 1 4 5 9 3 2 8 6 7 10 1 4 5 9 3 2 8 6 7 10 1 4 5 9 3 2 8 6 7 10

15 Multiplication – Number Lines
7 x 4 +7 +7 +7 +7 ______________________________________ 7 14 21 28

16 Multiplication – grid method
42 x 2 x 40 2 2 80 4 = 84

17 Division Reception Practically sharing out objects in a role play area

18 Division Year 1 Still practical sharing of objects including money
More teacher focused activities

19 Division – sharing Sharing-
12 sweets are shared equally between 3 children. How many do they have each?

20 Division – sharing with remainders
14 sweets are shared equally between 3 children. How many do they have each? 2 left over Answer – 4 remainder 2

21 Division – grouping In a class, 18 children are asked to get into groups of 6. How many groups will there be?

22 Division –grouping ______________________________________ 3 6 9 12
There are 12 sweets. How many children can have 3 each? How many 3s make 12? ______________________________________ 3 6 9 12

23 Division – grouping with remainders
I need 14 sweets. They come in bags of 3.How many bags do I need to buy? How many 3s? _____1________2________3_________4_______5__ 3 6 9 12 15 The answer is 5 as you need to buy 5 bags and you will have 1 extra sweet left over.

24 Helping at home Real life maths
Show children numbers that are all around- house numbers, car registrations(add the digits), price labels in shops. Counting out objects at home Playing number games especially involving counting on Cooking together asking to weigh ingredients Looking at different coins Allow child to buy small items when shopping Setting the dinner table Counting in pairs e.g socks & shoes Linking reading to maths

25 Phonics School scheme is Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds
Children learn single sounds first – satpin Learn actions too Introduce sound Sounds are pronounced as followed

26 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Phonics- sounds a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

27 Phonics Year 1 Blending of CVC words
Encourage children to use initial sounds and picture cues to read more difficult words Introducing digraphs Year 1 phonic screening check involving the decoding of real and alien words.

28 Phonic Year 1/2 Learning tricky words
Using phonics to spell and read unfamiliar words Learning spelling patterns Simple grammar

29 Phonics Year 2 Continue tricky words Continue spelling patterns
Learn spellings Continue with grammar Comprehension Repeat of phonic screening check for children who did not reach the benchmark in Year 1 Additional support for children with EAL is provided in the afternoons to support the learning of grammar and vocabulary.

30 All languages are valued
The children are proud to be bilingual and share their language with others We would suggest that you continue to speak in your native language We encourage you to speak in a rich and informative way with your child Being rich in their home language will ensure the skills will be transferred to the second language.

31 Home Learning Reading to your child Discuss picture, extending story
Predict story Discuss characters, setting etc Play I spy using initial sounds Reading in the environment Shared reading Read little and often

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