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The A to C of Transition – an overview…

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1 The A to C of Transition – an overview…
This is a short overview of the 12 steps/ingredients of transition We go into more detail about awareness raising & initiating groups and working groups in other sessions, please save questions for then Only done a-c so far, just getting onto D, we can work it out together Using totnes as example of what has happened

2 Resilience is not a New Idea. Totnes in the 1930’s…
Central concept of resilience, taken from complex adaptive systems theory Means ability of system to maintain its identity and core functions in the face of shocks Market garden grew veg for town Taken by horse up the high st and sold X food miles, food feet Local resilience in food, not dependent on external and something over which we don’t have control © Totnes Image Bank

3 George Heath. A Powerdown Pioneer.
Losing local resilience, This is his market garden and shop © Totnes Image Bank

4 1981 © Totnes Image Bank 2007 He left the land to old people’s home cos he knew his son didn’t want to carry it on Council built a car park on it Now developing on it Lost chance to put it back into food production Losing local resilience Juggernaught of globalisation

5 The 4 Recognitions of the Transition Movement.
Life with less energy is inevitable and it is better to plan for it than be taken by surprise We have lost the resilience to be able to cope with energy shocks We have to act for ourselves and we have to act now By unleashing the collective genius of the community we can design ways of living that are more enriching, satisfying and connected than the present.

6 The Early Stages of Transition
Form initiating group Awareness raising Form working groups Initiator Initiating group Unleash! Core group Central group deepening Working groups 12 steps quite confusing, use this diagramme to show that different bits happen at different times Some people launch project first This is how it worked in totness, others have followed it in some shape or form Usually started by one person, gather together an initiating group Job to do priming, awareness raising to gather enough people and energy and breadth so that it doesn’t become a single-issue group In totness initiating group was rob & naresh, many initiatives have issues of having local groups, They got all the way to setting up subgroups with just the two of them Totnes still doing awareness raising 2.5 years on, still showing end of suburbia & power of community Launch sept 06 and by jan 07 had 7 working groups and set up new structure, core group meets to guide whole strategy of project Networking, partnerships Awareness raising events, gather s, widen participation Reskilling events and workshops Open space / form working groups Projects

7 Form an Initiating Group and Design Its Evolution from the Outset
Sophy added evolution, not demise People like the sense that the people who start it don’t control and hold it for ever

8 Awareness Raising… First awareness raising that happened in totnes

9 Visiting Speakers… Totnes Sept – Dec ’06
Chris Johnstone Helena Norberg-Hodge Guy Watson Paul Mobbs Bob Flowerdew David Fleming Peter Russell Aubrey Meyer Tony Juniper Molly Scott Cato Jerry Mander Richard Heinberg Penny Livingstone-Stark Chris Skrebowski Jeremy Leggett Patrick Holden Vandana Shiva Wolfgang Sachs Herbert Girardet Peter Lipman Bill Dunster Bob Tomlinson Andrew Simms Launch, lots of speakers, partly cos have Schumaker college up the road and can use them for free and make money Some came cos they were invited

10 Lay the Foundations Collaborate where possible
Co-operation, not competition. Building collaborations When designing programme of events actively looking for people/organisations we can partner with Series about climate change put on with FoE so went through those networks Had max at those events Population of 7k and maybe 20k in surroundings

11 Working with Local Landowners
An early event to network with locals in partnership with dartington estate To ask what they are doing about peak oil and transition Both have moved on a lot Estates in Transition conference. June 11th 2007.

12 The Official Unleashing
Pics of launch Chris johnston from bristol talked about psychological models Encourage people to talk to their neighbours Chris played harmonica and sang song too and had some fun “Maybe they will tell stories about what happened in Totnes. Maybe this evening will be something that is the beginning of one of those stories”. Dr Chris Johnstone – TTT Unleashing Sept ’06.

13 Form Working Groups Up and Running In formation;
Arts / Food / Energy / Economics / Liaison with Local Government / Heart and Soul – the psychology of change / Medicine and Health / Housing /Education / Transport In formation; Youth, In totnes decided to form working groups/theme groups Person who is interested in subject holds that group 3 ways these groups form - one person starts it cos enthusiastic - deliberately seeded groups on local govt, food, - hold talk on wed then on Saturday hold open space event - coopted existed group - transport, can be cultural issues

14 Use Open Space Technology
Fantastic way of bringing people together who are intersed in an idea and letting it go where it wants to go Used in conference, lets people use their ideas and share control of the process Fluid and free structure for all to be included Suggested to get people who know how to do it Need to learn how to do it, bring in someone who can teach you to do it and build local resilience

15 Develop Visible Manifestations of the Project
Nice to have early in project to see visible things happening in community Mayor and coordinator planting fruit trees with Rob in totnes Got press and photos in paper If people who come when you are doing awareness raising then this is something for people to do Counters the argument that we are just talkers “Totnes, the Nut Tree Capital of Britain”. Tree Planting, January 2007.

16 Example: Local Food Directory
Got small grant to do this

17 Example: The Totnes Pound
Another project, made famous cos if decide going to print own money, makes people interested Makes people think about ‘ooh where does my moneoy go?’ Accepted in 80 businesses and shops

18 Example: Transition Tales
Rob working in schools Now got 3 week project going in schools His way of doing it is to tell stories of 2030 and how this is going to be the best time to live ever Story, jeremy clarkson, new form of transport, hope on back, how was suspension?

19 Facilitate the Great Reskilling
Skilling Up for Powerdown. Peak Oil / Climate Change, Permaculture Principles, Food, Energy, Building and Housing, Woodlands, Water, Waste, Economics, The Psychology of Change, Energy Descent Planning… Another project is this Relearn skills that people know about fixing, perserving things, one of my favourites darning socks, found out what mushroom is for Now looking in training area as getting that as something that could be rolled out

20 Example: Using You Tube to Communicate Transition

21 Great Reskilling courses
Wild Foods, natural building, seed saving, hand made paints, stove building, forest gardening, food growing, bread making...

22 Build a Bridge to Local Government
World Cafe on Peak Oil and Climate Change with Local Councillors Endorsed by Totnes Town Council Contributions to Local Development Framework. Had world café event that invited all local councillors Got endorsement from town council

23 Honour the Elders More of a principle, Includes helpful themes;
We’ve lost our sense of eldership, that they have a lot to teach us In transition process there are lots of people who have seen a lot of change, useful to speak to people who have seen lots of change, now lots more coming They remember how thigns worked before oil, powerful message that it was ok to live like that Especially for young people, very powerful from hearing it from someone’s mouth, here’s how we used to do things, have holidays, heat the house etc.

24 Energy Descent Pathways
Engage the community!! Start with a vision and then backcast Use scenario planning to work with uncertainty Incorporate creative activities – Transition Tales Integrate with LA planning? Two energies, one embodied by energy descent pathways, this is about getting a strategic vision Don’t have a lot of time, need to think about where going and how going to get there Have changed it from plan to pathways- uncertainty of future, plan x resilient, cf many possible pathways more flexible & resilient, x know which one we will do or what it will turn out like

25 Let It Go Where It Wants to Go
Solar Water Heater Challenge. The Totnes Renewable Energy Supply Company (TRESCO) Lending Library Earth widsom council Greenhouse Britain Arts project Nut tree planting Car Share Club TTT International Youth Music Festival… Second energy- part of the nature of working in transition that there are things which appear transition Need to work with what there is and plan and also be open to new changes Transition about weaving these things together so that there is room for both together Alternative way to SMART targets, more about aspirations

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