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U NIT 1 L ESSON 1 Sustantivos y preposiciones Nouns and Prepostions.

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Presentation on theme: "U NIT 1 L ESSON 1 Sustantivos y preposiciones Nouns and Prepostions."— Presentation transcript:

1 U NIT 1 L ESSON 1 Sustantivos y preposiciones Nouns and Prepostions

2 V OCABULARY y In the Spanish language, the letter y means and Pronounce like Spanish i or ee as in the word meet. un hombre y el carro => a man and a car una nina y un nino => a girl and a boy

3 G RAMMAR : N OUNS Nouns are words that name people, places, things, and ideas. Spanish nouns have gender Masculine (typically end in o) el hombre el muchacho Feminine (typically end in a) la mujer la nina The article (la or el) with the noun will help you to determine if the noun is masculine of feminine.

4 G RAMMAR : I NDEFINITE A RTICLES Introduces a masculine singular noun un caballo Introduces a feminine singular noun una mesa ununa The words a and an in English

5 G RAMMAR : C ONJUNCTIONS AND P REPOSITIONS A word that connects other words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. and but as because un nino y un perro Expresses time, manner, or place Comes before the noun it modifies debajo de un avion under an airplane la mujer encima de un caballo ConjunctionPreposition

6 E ND OF L ESSON 1-10 Sustantivos y preposiciones

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