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The abolition of the free public transport system – the Student OV-card - for students in The Netherlands (spatial)side effect for the Dutch city Deventer.

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Presentation on theme: "The abolition of the free public transport system – the Student OV-card - for students in The Netherlands (spatial)side effect for the Dutch city Deventer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The abolition of the free public transport system – the Student OV-card - for students in The Netherlands (spatial)side effect for the Dutch city Deventer

2 Table of content 1. The research 2. History of the Student OV-Card
3. Value of the Student OV-Card on the public transport system 4. Abolition of the OV-Card for students 5. Expected changes in student behaviour 6. Side effects for the city of Deventer

3 1. The research Abolition of the free public transport system for students Behaviour changes of student The impact on the city of Deventer – side effects Methods: Survey among students (6000 students) Interviews with different parties

4 2. History of the Student OV-Card
Introduction in 1991 Since the introduction: Significant increase in student travel Many student continued to live at home Since the introduction: milions of student experienced public transportation

5 3. Value of the Student OV-Card on the public transport system
This year more than students in The Netherlands make use of the Student OV-Card 25% of all public transport kilometres in The Netherlands are made by students Student OV-Card: 10 – 20% of total revenues made by transport companies

6 4. Abolition of the Student OV-Card
Main reason: Cutbacks in national government expenditure Cuts of 400 million euro’s a year (total cost Student OV-Card: 700 million a year)

7 5. Expected changes in student behaviour
If student have to pay for the public transport: Less students will travel by the public transport More students will travel by car More students will choose to live closer to their college

8 6. Side effects for the city of Deventer
Effects for Deventer / Saxion: Short term: Deventer is not able to realize more student housing Medium term: transformate vacant buildings to student housing The abolition of the Student OV-Card will not lead to less students Less travel by students on short course days Parking problems arround Saxion University of applied sciences

9 6. Side effects for the city of Deventer
Effects for local public transport: The urban and regional transport is vulnerable In 2009: 40% of all passenger kilometres of the bus in and arround Deventer was made by students with a Student OV-Card Bjorn Edelenbos (province Overijssel):’ I expect changes that will be felt across all fronts. So much so, that the basic level of public transport will be affected if nothing happens’

10 Thank you for your attention.

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