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1 Shells

2 shell basics

3 Shells A program that is an interface between a user at a terminal and the computers resouces The terminal may be real or an emulator The shell is not a programming language However, most shells do support scripting The shell may: Process commands from a terminal a specific action Process scripts list of commands, typically in a file Shells may be CLI or GUI

4 Shells Command Processor Commands typed on a terminal
Executed by the shell Boune family C family many others… Note: examples will center on the bash shell bash – Bourne Again SHell Shells do vary on implementation of some features

5 Shell preliminaries

6 Pattern Matching: Wild Cards
Wild Card Examples Replace parts of names with arbitrary matching character(s) Combination of known and unspecifed characters ?, *, […], {…} Wild Card Matches * any number of chars including none ? exactly one character [aml] single character from list – either a, m, or l in this case [a-l] single character – in the range a to l [!a-l] single character – not in the range a to l { pat1, pat2…} matches specifed patterns

7 Standard Files: Input/Ouput/Error
Standard input (std in) Where the data is coming from File Stream Usually the keyboard or terminal Standard output (std out) Where the data is going to Usually the display or terminal Standard error (std err) Where error messages are sent Default is same as Standard output

8 Data Sources/Redirection
Important: In Unix/Linux everything is a file Terminal Keyboard - source Screen or printer – sink File redirection > and >> Send the standard out data to a file < Receive the standard in data from a file Piping | Send the standard output of one program to the input of another Different utilities and programs will handle defaults for std in and std out differently

9 Shell Basics

10 Shell Example – wc command
word count reads the input and counts and reports the number of: lines words characters Examples of data source and sink using wc: No parameters: data will flow from std in: wc This is a line of data This is another <Ctrl-d> File as a parameter wc /dir/file /dir/file Note it has the filename in the output Can work on a list of files Redirection from a file wc < /dir/file Piped from another program ls | wc

11 File Descriptor Standard files have numeric representations Example:
0 – Standard input 1 – Standard output 2 – Standard error Example: #cat bad.file cat: bad.file: No such file or directory #cat bad.file 2> err.msg #wc err.msg err.msg #more err.msg cat: bad.file: No such file or directory

12 Problem: want std out and std err to go to same destination
Example: file1 exists, file2 does not #cat file1 file2 file 1 data … cat: file2: No such file or directory redirect std out #cat file1 file2 1> report cat: file2: No such file or directory #more report file 1 data … redirect std err #cat file1 file2 2> report file 1 data #less report cat: file2: No such file or directory cannot consistently redirect both streams to the same file, need another method Can use >> for one or replicating descriptors May show order differently or not work at all

13 Replicating Descriptors
1>&2 send std out to destination of std err 2>&1 send std err to destination of std out redirect both std err and std out #cat file1 file2 2> report 1>&2 #less report file 1 data cat: file2: No such file or directory

14 Special files /dev/null /dev/tty Note: “bit bucket”
your default terminal useful when different users log on everyone can use /dev/tty as their terminal Note: Remember: everything in Unix/Linix is a file! /dev contains most of the machines devices

15 Pipes Send output of one command as the input to another command or program Examples #ls | wc Sent the short directory listing to wc #ls –l | wc Sent the long directory listing to wc

16 Tee Sends data to std out and a file Example: Not part of the shell
#who | tee users.txt ajk tty :14 (:0) ajk pts/ :45 (:0.0) #cat users.txt ajk tty :14 (:0) ajk pts/ :45 (:0.0)

17 Resume 1/11

18 Command substitution Command arguments can be obtained or substituted from the std out of a program: Use backticks ` to denote That is not the single quote ‘ or the fancy Word quotes AKA Accent Grave Examples: #echo This year is `date +%Y` This year is 2013 #ls –la `cat filelist` ls: cannot access file2: No such file or directory ls: cannot access file4: No such file or directory -rw-r-r- 1 ajkombol ajkombol 14 Mar 3 16:34 file1 -rw-r-r- 1 ajkombol ajkombol 14 Mar 3 16:34 file3 #cat filelist file1 file2 file3 file4

19 Shell variables Can assign values to variables
myvar=myvalue Important: no spaces! Note: no $ is needed to assign Case sensitive Use by putting $ in front $myvar Example: #name=doit #compname=$name$ext #echo $compname Summary: Set the variable without a $ Use the variable with a $

20 Scripts Intro

21 Scripts Intro Shells can execute groups of commands in a file
Script basics: They have basic control sequences e.g. conditionals and looping if, for, while They may contain commands They must have execute permission

22 Environment preview Using the shell to modify your runtime environment

23 Shell variables - Environment
Two shell variable types: Environment Used by user(s) in general PATH HOME SHELL Etc… Note: By convention environment variables are UPPER CASE Valid for who is “logged on” Local Used for specific purposes Typically available to current process only Case sensitive

24 Environment “Default” variables the shell uses Who is the current user
What is the current path What is the current home directory What do you have as a cursor What is the default shell for this user

25 Local Variables Easy to create for temporary use Restricted in scope
my_var=value Restricted in scope Usually the current sub-shell only

26 Environment Variables
To create an Environmental Variable export ENV_VAR Can apply value at creation or later Good for creating a set of common definitions By convention Environmental Variables are UPPER_CASE

27 customizing the environment
Using the shell

28 Setting the default shell
What shell is set as your default? echo $SHELL Returns something like: /bin/bash -or- /usr/bin/bash Depends on distro Popular shells Bash csh korn Bourne (sh) Note: many systems link sh to dash

29 Environmental Variables
Available in the user’s total environment Sub-shells Scripts they run Editors Mail commands etc. Note: when you start a new terminal the ENV is reset Local variables Typically only available to the current process set displays all variables in the current shell env shows only environment variables

30 export Turns a local variable into an environmental variable Form:
Basically makes a variable visible to all child processes Needs only to be done once for a session Needs to be redone every time a new session is started Form: export ENV_VAR

31 Common Environment Variables
Significance HOME users home directory PATH list of directories to search for a command LOGNAME login name of user USER MAIL absolute pathname to users mail file MAILCHECK how long to wait before checking for new mail TERM type of terminal PWD absolute name of users current directory PS1 primary prompt string PS2 secondary prompt string SHELL users login shell

32 Aliases Use alternate names "Shorthand" for commonly used commands
#alias vi='vim' will always run vim when vi is typed can run vi with \vi Assign common options #alias cp="cp -i" will change cp to always be interactive Asks if duplicate names found #alias cp will return the current assignment #unalias cp will get rid of the alias

33 Command history Allows recalling previous commands
Shows all the previous commands with event numbers holds about 500 events Will vary by distro #history n shows last n command #!n executes event n #!n:p prints event n (does not execute)

34 Tilde ~ Shorthand for the current users home directory Notes: #cd ~
changes to current user’s home directory #cd ~userid changes to userid’s home directory

35 Using set By default, set shows all variables Interesting options
#set –o noclobber prevents accidental overwriting of existing files with redirection (the > and >> symbols) #set –o ignoreeof prevents accidental termination of script (<ctrl>d) #set –o notify allows completed background jobs to notify immediately when done

36 Initialization scripts
login script runs once at log in varies by distro .bash_profile .profile .bash_login usually in users home directory rc script runs every time an interactive sub-shell is created varies by distro, usually has rc in its name .bashrc Used to customize the users environment The prompt is usually set in one of these

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