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The Solar System by 3H.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System by 3H."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System by 3H

2 Saturn 7 rings Moon-Iapetus is divided into 2 halves,1 dark and 1 light Farthest planet from Earth 800 Earths can fit inside 33 moons

3 The Sun Is about 260 times around the United States
Been burning for 5 billion years The lighter spots are hotter than the darker spots People and plants depend on the Sun

4 Venus Sapas Mons a mountain is 2.5 miles long
Venus is one of two planets to rotate clockwise Hottest planet in Solar System Sometimes called Earth’s twin

5 Jupiter 63 moons Europa has all ingredients for life
More than 1300 Earths could fit inside Jupiter Jupiter may be a failed star Covered in clouds hundreds of miles thick

6 Mars Dust storms can cover the entire planet
Brightest object in the sky Average temperature 85 degrees F Orbits the sun in an oval shaped path

7 The SUN Core temperature is 27 million degrees
8 minutes for its light to reach Earth The sun is the only star in our solar system

8 Mars 4rth planet from the sun 2 moons 142 million miles from sun
Unbreathable atmosphere Does not have rings

9 Neptune About the same size as Uranus.
The dark spots on Neptune are large storms. Mostly ice and gas.

10 Sun Made out of hot gases Core 270,000,000 degrees F Only star

11 Mercury Its biggest crater is 810 miles long!
Its day is 176 Earth days long. It seems to change shape and size seen through a telescope. Its year is 87,969 hour long.

12 Saturn One day is 10 hr. and 45min.
It takes it 30 years to obit the sun Named after the roman god of farming 33 moons Iapetus a moon is about 900 miles across

13 The Moon Does not give any light.
Has a lot of craters, some can be 50 miles wide! The darker parts of the moon are smoother. Eight phases.

14 Uranus Eleven rings Twenty seven known moons
Sixty three Earths fit inside Mostly hydrogen and helium Wind speeds up to 450 miles per hour

15 Neptune Cloud shape swirls give it a blue color
It’s named after a Roman God of the Sea Its temperature is -391 degrees F It’s made of ice and gas It has thin rings of dust

16 Jupiter Your weight will double (50-100) Looks like a star
Clouds are made by gases 4 thin rings Jupiter’s clouds are orange, red, tan, yellow, and white.

17 Saturn 6th in the Solar System Several rings Ball of gases and clouds
Made of rock and ice 33 moons Rings size of a car

18 The Sun Has loops and streams of gas that extend tens of thousands of miles into space Larger than Earth 27 million degrees F If it was a beach ball Earth would be pebble Earth rotates around it

19 The Solar System by 3H

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