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Americans in Estonian Ethnic and Political Jokes

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1 Americans in Estonian Ethnic and Political Jokes
Liisi Laineste

2 Nikita (Khrushscev) goes to America, and is shown a machine where you put in a pig, and a sausage comes out. He is positively astonished and asks the machine operator if it would be possible to put in a sausage so that a pig will come out. – Sure, it seems that your father has already done so, the man answers.

3 How do Americans, British and Russians start their day
How do Americans, British and Russians start their day? – The American gets up, eats two boiled eggs, kisses the wife and goes to work. The British gets up, eats eggs and bacon, kisses the wife and goes to work. The Russian gets up, discovers there is nothing to eat, scratches the eggs and goes back to sleep.

4 Americans have landed on the Moon
Americans have landed on the Moon. Brezhnev orders the Soviet astronauts to land on the Sun. – We will burn up, the astronauts object. – I have thought of that: you will fly at night.

5 A cowboy sees a little boy sitting by the saloon and offers him a dollar bill. - - Here, take this, orphan! – I’m not an orphan, my father is standing over there! - That one? the cowboy puts his smoking colt back in the holster. - OK, now take this, orphan! *** - I have the fastest hand in the Wild West! shouts a cowboy across the saloon. – I prefer women, mumbles the other.

6 Conference in Geneva. The American, French and Russian diplomat are smoking a cigarette and for passing time, everyone has to tell a joke. The American begins: - American gentleman left home ... and did not go to the bank! (Everybody laughs). The French diplomat says: - French gentleman left home ... and did not go to a brothel! (Loud laugh) Then it is Russians’ turn: - Russian gentleman … Everybody is already laughing.

7 The British and American take part in joke competition
The British and American take part in joke competition. They draw lots, and the American has to begin. - The smart and handsome American gentleman … - Enough, enough, you have won! laughs the British.

8 Chukchi and American tourist are on a bear hunt in Siberia
Chukchi and American tourist are on a bear hunt in Siberia. They find a bear cave. Chukchi says: - You quiet, I catch. He starts jumping and shouting, and soon the sleepy and furious beast comes out. Chukchi races off, but the brave American grabs his gun and shoots the bear. Chukchi sees this and screams: - You not good hunter! Why shoot? I ask why you shoot? Who carry the skin home?

9 Most frequent themes of jokes about Americans
drinking American tourist sex stupidity value differences absurd Relations: Russia relations: other relations: Estonia Americans only

10 Main themes (%) of jokes about Americans

11 Characters (%) in jokes about Americans

12 A Yankee is touring Europe and asks the bus driver: Where are we
A Yankee is touring Europe and asks the bus driver: Where are we? – Paris, Monsieur. – Damn the details! Which country? *** What do you call an American with a PhD in mathematics and linguistics? – A stupid American *** American journalist interviews a Russian writer. He puts his feet on the table and says: - I hope this does not embarrass you. - Oh, no. Feel free to put all four of your legs up there!

13 Two Italian nuns went to Unites States
Two Italian nuns went to Unites States. - I have heard they eat dogs here, we should try this local speciality, says the older. They buy two hot dogs, sit on a park bench. The younger unfolds the paper wrapper and blushes: - What part of the dog did you get? *** An Indian from a reservation visits New York, wearing national clothes. The hotel receptionist asks him, - So, how do you like our city? - Oh, it’s nice – but how do you like our country?

14 Why do the Americans fight in the desert
Why do the Americans fight in the desert? – Because they had bad luck in the jungle. *** American geologists discovered an Arabian country exactly where the new oil fields of US are located. *** A letter to George W Bush: It is my duty to inform you that my mother in law harbours the terrorist Osama Bin Laden in her house, at the address Karja 165B. I will attack the house tomorrow, and for this ask for your military help. Please bomb the location from the air.

15 An American businessman is in Russia
An American businessman is in Russia. To celebrate a successful business deal, he goes out with them. Excerpt from his diary: May 1: Drank a lot with the Russian partners, almost died. May 2: Cured the hangover with the Russian partners. Should have died yesterday.



18 The American, the Russian and the Greek are driving in a taxi cab
The American, the Russian and the Greek are driving in a taxi cab. Suddenly, the cab stops and Greek is thrown out. - Stop spoiling the joke! , the American and Russian say and drive on.


20 Proportion of jokes about Americans (1960 - 2006)

21 Ethnic jokes (%) in Estonia

22 Targets of Estonian ethnic jokes: internationalization

23 Targets of Estonian ethnic jokes: internationalization

24 Contemporary jokes (1991 – 2007) about Americans: new and recycled jokes

25 Old Soviet jokes (%) among contemporary jokes about Americans

26 Sisulisemalt sellest, milline oli ameeriklane enne ja mis on tema praeguseda põhiomadused. Kellega ta naljades vastandub, kellega vennastub ja millest räägivad sellised naljad, kus vastamisis on vaid eestlane ja ameeriklane. Kas võib öelda, et samapalju kui varem olid naljad otse vene keelest, on praegu naljad otse inglise keelest? Mitu % kõikidest ameerika-naljadest on võrdlus venemaaga (enne ja pärast eraldi), st najad, mis sisuliselt räägivad venemaast Ameerika kontekstis, kusjuures tegelasel “ameeriklane “ pole erilist sisulist tähtsust a see, et ajaloolis-poliitiliselt oli just USAst konstrueeritud enemaale vaenlane. Mitu % naljadest räägivad muudel teemadel ja kas nende osakaal on post-perioodis tõusnud? Nüüd siis selle poliitilisest ja muidu ühiskondlikust taustast: suhted riikide vahel jm. Tulemuste paigutamine laiemasse konteksti. Üldised tähelepanekud: selle kohta, kuidas on ameeriklaste populaarsus naljateemana muutunud enne ja pärast iseseisvumist, kuidas on see seotud üldiste trendidegageesti naljades (nt etniliste naljade vähenemisega, samaaegse naljaobjekti diversifitseerumisega, kohalike vs võõraste kohta naljategemisega). Naljadest kui identiteediotsingu peegeldusest. Varem olid naljad Venemaalt, üleminekul räägiti ka vanu nalju, aga on tunda sisulist vahet uute ja taaskasutatud vanade vahel. Uued on värsked, olgugi vahel tõlgitud, seevastu kui vanad on muutumatud, nende hulgas on vähem unikaalseid tüüpe. Ja neid räägitakse aina vähem ka. Kas võib öelda, et üleminekuaeg hakkab otsa saama, ja et naljad muutuvad koos sellega. Uued vahetavad vanad välja. Samas ei saa kuidagi öelda, et see oleks mingi järsk reaktsioon olnud – üleminek toimub sujuvalt. We did not find the expected sharp turn towards new, non-Soviet jokes, instead the a change has been smooth and constant. See on iseenesest astuolus nö ametliku iseseisvumisjärgse poliitikaga, mil otsiti aktiivselt uut identiteeti, “õiget” ajalugu Through actively rejecting Soviet memories – ut on the other hand, as jokes is a counter-genre in itself, it actually provied means for open critisism also in post-socialism, and that would explain the rather slow change in this field of social life. On vaja järgmiseid graafikuid: 1. kes kellega koos naljas on 2. venelase intensiivsus aastate jooksul, või siis kõik tegelased aastate jooksul – tõusjad ja langejad 3. teemad ja aastad (mis teemad millal populaarsed on) – kas seks ja muu mittesuhetest on see, mis säilis? 4. teemad ja tegelased omavahel

27 Characters in jokes about Americans

28 Main themes in American-only-jokes

29 Main themes in cowboy-jokes

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