Kennedy’s Assassination

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Presentation on theme: "Kennedy’s Assassination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kennedy’s Assassination
Overview Conspiracy?

2 Overview November 22, 1963 Dallas, Texas

3 Dealey Plaza Texas School Book Depository
Where Kennedy’s Car was when he was shot

4 Dealey Plaza Texas School Book Depository
Where Kennedy’s Car was when he was shot

5 Texas School Book Depository
Shots came from 6th floor of this building Rifle found in “Sniper’s nest”

6 Grassy Knoll

7 Zapruder Film

8 Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) sworn into office that night

9 Lee Harvey Oswald Most Lik Ex-marine Communist sympathizer


11 Warren Commission 1963: Congressional Committee
Concluded that Oswald acted alone Yet conspiracy theories continue Over 75% of Americans believe Kennedy’s assassination was part of a conspiracy Was it a Conspiracy?

12 Time. “The Assassination: Was it a Conspiracy?” (July 2, 2007)
Castro CIA Director McCone FBI Director Hoover New Orleans mobster Marcello Oswald

13 Was it a Conspiracy? YES (David Talbot) . NO (Vincent Bugliosi) .
Do you believe it was a conspiracy? Why or why not? USE DETAILED EVIDENCE to support your argument.

14 Homework for the weekend
Finish the chart and answer the question fully



17 When you’re done with the chart…
Write one detailed paragraph giving a solid explanation of what you believe and why.

18 Upfront Magazine 1. Where was Kennedy killed? When? Who became then next president? 2. Who do non-conspiracy theorists think killed Kennedy? Why? 3. Who do conspiracy theorists think killed Kennedy? Why? 4. What is Kennedy’s legacy? How do people remember his presidency? Why?

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20 Was it a Conspiracy? YES NO (David Talbot) (Vincent Bugliosi)
Robert thinks there was a conspiracy CIA didn’t like Kennedy’s weak stance on Castro Mafia didn’t like Kennedy’s tough stance on organized crime NO (Vincent Bugliosi) Weapon was Oswald’s He resisted arrest Evidence puts him at the scene Oswald bad choice for a gunman No get-away planned Route chosen only 4 days previous to trip

21 1,632 pages May 2007

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23 Imagined testimonies are just one of the many problems that an investigator of historical mysteries has to deal with. Another one is "imagined experts," that is, self-styled experts with no real expertise in the chosen field except what they think is "common sense." The Kennedy assassination presents dozens of such cases, but one of the most popular involves the so-called "magic bullet." The Warren Commission that investigated the Kennedy assassination concluded that the reactions of Kennedy and Connally occurred too close together for two separate shots, even from the same gun, to have been responsible for their wounds. They almost seem to react at the same instant, in the enhanced version of the film seen by the commission. They concluded that one, single bullet caused the injuries to both the President and the Governor. This is where the "imagined experts" step in and say: "It must have been a really magical bullet in order to enter Kennedy from the back, exit from his throat, then make a turn and enter Connally's back, exit from his chest, hit his right wrist, make another bend, and, finally, land in his left thigh!" How could a single bullet follow this zigzag route? Their conclusion is obvious: those injuries could not have been produced by just one bullet, so there had to be more than one shooter—further proof of a conspiracy. This conclusion, however, as logical as it may sound at first, does not take real facts into account. And it only works until you don't look at Kennedy's and Connally's actual positions in the car. They were not one in front of the other; Kennedy was in a higher position in the back seat, and Connally was sitting lower, in the middle of the front seat of the car. So, in order to produce those injuries ... from the analysis performed by real experts, it turns out that there was only one position from which this bullet could be shot: the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.

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