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Les jalons d’une thèse Présentation / Discussion

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Presentation on theme: "Les jalons d’une thèse Présentation / Discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Les jalons d’une thèse Présentation / Discussion Nathalie Girard, Cyril Faucher, Mickaël Coustaty

2 Agenda PhD timeline Formations Laboratory criterion PhD Defense
Contract doctoral Conference & journal European Label Become Assistant Professor / Full Researcher Research French Evaluation

3 The PhD Defense between the 36th and 39th* month is recommended
General timeline End of the 1st year Report End of the 2nd year Discussion End of the 3rd year: End of the funding The PhD Defense between the 36th and 39th* month is recommended *39 correspond to the average duration of the French PhD

4 Formations (36 credits required)
Transverse Formations: University of La Rochelle => 12 credits During the 3 years of PhD See: 2 to be select in proposed formations Domain Formations: Doctoral School S2i => 12 credits During the 1st & 2nd years See S2i website: 2 seminars of 3 days (4 credits/seminar => 8 credits) 2 courses (2 credits/course => 4 credits) ! not available yet ! Specific Formations: L3i laboratory => 12 credits See L3I intranet website 1 international journal 2 international conferences (rank A for laboratory)

5 Formations (mandatory)
At the end of the 1st year (L3i) A seminary to expose your first results At the end of the 2nd year (Doctorial Symposium, ULR) 1 poster 2 pages a 5 minutes talk

6 Laboratory criterion to defend
1 international journal 2 international conferences > rank A for laboratory (intranet L3I website) Ask your supervisor(s) for a list of conferences and journals in your specific research fields

7 PhD Defense Templates available at the Doctoral School
Using OpenOffice Using Word Using LateX One template available on Lyx (only for the L3i) Electronic deposition ( Selection of manuscript reviewers Deadline for manuscript submission 8 weeks before the PhD defense Jury 5 to 8 persons Minimum 2 reporters (must be professors) See ULR website:

8 Doctoral Contract & DCACE
Every PhD Student have a doctoral contract Need a teaching experience => a rider to your doctoral contract being candidate in 1st or 2nd year September 1 rider => 64 HETD of teaching

9 Funding Sources University of La Rochelle (materials, PhD, Postdoc)
CDA, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes ANR (French National Research Agency) CIFRE (with a firm) European Projects According to the type of funding the deliverable expected is not the same

10 European Label Classical thesis with a European label 4 preconditions
Reports from 2 professors issuing from 2 Europeans states different the PhD student’s one A jury member must belong to university from another European country A part of the PhD defense must be done in another European’s language The PhD student must have spent 3 months in another country from the European union

11 European Label - 2 University of La Rochelle encourage you !
Current call Documents available: DREDE Head of Laboratory Financial aid (1000 € per month) for 3 consecutive months Must be done during the three first years

12 How / Why submit to conferences
Validation of your work Share your work with the community Submission process Call For Paper (long/short/poster/demo) Submission Acceptance notification - reviews (3 peer reviewer) Camera ready for publication in proceedings Participation to the conference

13 Conference and journal: differences
Audience Quality / severity Review process Impact factor Special issue Don’t miss your national community (Journées, GDR) may be your future chief, postdoctoral opportunities

14 Becoming an Associate Professor
1st phase (documents submission: mid-december) “Qualification” by Conseil National des Universités (CNU) Section 27: Computer Science Section 61: Computer engineering, signal processing and automatic General criterion: present a good balance of experience between: research skills 1 international journal / Different international and national conferences teaching functions a minimum service (CNU61: 100 HETD – CNU27: 64 HETD*) collective commitments participation to the laboratory life participation to the organization of  a conference

15 Becoming an Associate Professor
2nd phase seminaries in potential opportunities interviews (ranking) « enseignant stagiaire »

16 Becoming a Full Researcher
CNRS, INRIA Excellent research skills in your domain Expose a research project In France: CNRS researcher Need to pass a competitive examination Then become a “Chargé de Recherche” in a CNRS lab

17 Research Evaluation in France
AERES each 5 years ranking: A+, A, B, C L3i: A since 2011 Direct impact on laboratory visibility the recurrent funding from the University

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