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Final Review Pt 5: Ecology

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1 Final Review Pt 5: Ecology

2 What Is an invasive species? How Is it different from a Native species?
An "invasive species" is defined as a species that is: 1) non-native to the ecosystem 2) whose introduction causes economic, environmental or human health harm. Invasive species are different from native species in that they are plants, animals, and other organisms that are not originally from a given area.

3 Which of the following pictures shows damage that is common to invasive species. Pick all that Apply.

4 Give the name of the biological levels pictured here.
Organism Population Community Give the name of the biological levels pictured here. Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

5 From the previous slide which levels contain abiotic features?
Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

6 What are the three abiotic factors that make one ecosystem different from another.
Sun Amount Soil Type Water Quantity

7 Which biome is indicated by each of the following letters?
Tundra Desert D. Forest Tropical Rainforest D

8 List the top two biomes that get the most and the least rain.
Most: Tropical or Temperate Rainforest, Deciduous Forrest Least: Desert, Tundra

9 How is heat stored in the environment?
Heat of the earths surface Body heat In the tissue of living things Other?

10 Describe the organisms that are part of each level of the food pyramid.

11 If level A has 100,000 J of energy how much energy is in each of the other layers?

12 1. List one food chain. 2. List a producer. 3. List an Omnivore 4
1. List one food chain. 2. List a producer. 3. List an Omnivore 4. List the organism that is the most and least efficient to eat. Plant – Rat – Owl Plant Rat Plant – Owl

13 State the Habitat, Niche and Adaptations of the organisms below.
H- Forest N- Eating Bugs A- Making webs H- Desert N- Holding water A- Spines

14 On a graph how do you know when a population has reached carrying capacity?

15 Which one shows an ecosystem over carrying capacity?

16 Interpret the Predator Prey graph below.
The prey population rises. Then the predator population rises. The prey population drops. followed by the predator population.

17 Even though you are not sure what animals this graph is about, how would you know which is the predator and which is the prey.

18 Fill in the chart.

19 Parasitism, Mutualism, commensalism.
Ostriches and gazelles eat next to each other. They both watch for predators and danger. Since they see things differently, they each can identify threats the other animal may not see. Both species are happy. Mutualism

20 Parasitism, Mutualism, commensalism.
A cuckoo bird may lay its eggs in a warbler’s nest. The cuckoo’s young will kick out the warbler’s young and will be raised by the warbler. This is good for the cuckoo but bad for the warbler. Parasitism

21 Parasitism, Mutualism, commensalism.
Barnacles attach themselves to whales so they can get a free meal. This neither harms nor helps the whales. Commensalism

22 Parasitism, Mutualism, commensalism.
Mistletoe takes water and nutrients from the spruce tree. This is good for the mistletoe but bad for the tree. Parasitism

23 Explain the difference between primary and secondary succession.
Primary has no dirt to start and secondary does.

24 Explain what is happening in each step.

25 Explain what is happening in each step.

26 Which takes more time to get to the climax community primary or secondary succession?
Primary because there is no dirt to start.

27 What type of succession is pictured here?

28 What type of succession is pictured here?

29 What type of succession is pictured here?

30 What type of succession is pictured here?

31 Think about the carbon oxygen cycle
Think about the carbon oxygen cycle. What is the relationship between plants and animals?

32 List and explain the steps in the Nitrogen Cycle.
N2 makes up most of the atmosphere but it is not usable by plants and animals. Nitrogen fixation (N2 to NH3/ NH4+ or NO3-) Nitrification (NH3 to NO3-) Assimilation (Incorporation of NH3 and NO3- into biological tissues) Ammonification (organic nitrogen compounds to NH3) Denitrification(NO3- to N2)

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