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Dynamic Thiol/Disulphide Homeostasis in Patients with Uterine Myoma

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1 Dynamic Thiol/Disulphide Homeostasis in Patients with Uterine Myoma
Semra Eroglu1, İsmail Haskul2, Vusale Aziz1, Hacer Cavidan Gulerman1, Salim Neselioglu3, Ozcan Erel3 1Karabuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Karabuk, Turkey 2Karabuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Karabuk, Turkey 3Yıldırım Beyazit University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ankara, Turkey

2 Purpose: The aim of this study is to measure and compare the dynamic thiol and disulphide homeostasis between patients with Uterine Myoma (UM) and healthy subjects. Thiol carbons are organic components including bound sulfhydryl and hydrogen groups. In the presence of oxidant in the media cysteine residues oxidize and recyclable disulphide bonds ingenerate among thiols.

3 Dynamic Thiol/Disulphide Homeostasis (DTDH) in the human body is sustained by these reversible disulphide bonds and oxidation reduction reactions. DTDH is a system having a significant role in a variety of processes such as detoxification, antioxidation, preservation, regulation of enzymatic reactions, and apoptosis . Here in our aim is to compare the DTDH in patients with UM versus healthy individuals.

4 Methods: This cross-sectional study was underwent in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Karabuk University between March, 2015 and October , A total of 91 women, 54 patients with UM who were diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasonography, and 37 age- and body mass index-matched healthy individuals were enrolled in this study. The following parameters were defined as the exclusion criteria; any medication, hepatic or renal disease, smoker, systemic infections, pregnancy, and any history of psychiatric disease. Fasting blood samples were collected from both control group and patients with UM in the morning.

5 The samples were stored for 20 minutes for clotting and then separated by centrifuging for 10 minutes at 1500 g. The separated serums were immediately stored in the freezer at -80°C until the time of testing for DTDH. The DTDH measure was carried out by a novel automatic and spectrophotometric method.

6 Results No difference in age between the Myoma uteri group and the controls (p=0.122 respectively) was confirmed The median of body mass indexes (BMI) of both groups were statistically similar (p=0.274). The mean serum native thiol, disulphide, and thiol levels were statistically lower in UM group than those in the control group (P < ), (P < 0.000) and ( P < 0.001), respectively].

7 Table 1. Table 1: Comparison of baseline characteristics, thiol and disulphide levels between uterine myoma patients and healthy individuals. Characteristics UM# 54 (59.3%) Healthy$ 37 (40.7%) P value& N, ± SD N, ± SD Age (years) 37.57 ± 5.12 35.51 ± 7.47 0.122 Body Mass Index (kg/m²) 27.98 ± 3.63 27.02 ± 4.62 0.274 Mean native thiol level (µmol/L) ± 59.41 ± 56.17 0.000 Mean thiol level (µmol/L) ± 61.6 ± 61.46 0.001 Mean disulphide level (µmol/L) 17.27 ± 5.59 22.38 ± 6.93 Disulphide (%) / native thiol (%)* 6.27 ± 2.29 7.11 ± 2.37 0.96 Disulphide (%)/total thiol (%)* 5.50 ± 1.79 6.15 ± 1.78 0.92 Native thiol (%)/total thiol (%)* 88.99 ± 3.58 87.68 ± 3.57 #The patients with uterine myoma. $The healthy individuals as control group. &P values less than 0.05 was accepted as significant. *Ratio of percentage.

8 Literature Similar to our findings, in a study on advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer, native thiol, total thiol, and disulphide levels were found to be low, suggesting that this decrease might be a prognostic marker of the tumor aggression and malignant disease (Dirican et all.2016). In literature, disulphide levels in proliferative diseases such as renal cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, prostatic carcinoma, and multiple myeloma, were found to be considerably low (Guney all , Hanikoglu F. Et all. 2016).

9 Clin Biochem. 2014 Dec;47(18):326-32. doi: 10. 1016/j. clinbiochem
Clin Biochem Dec;47(18): doi: /j.clinbiochem Epub 2014 Oct 7. A novel and automated assay for thiol/disulphide homeostasis. Erel O1, Neselioglu S2. Abstract OBJECTIVES: To develop a novel and automated assay determining plasma thiol/disulphide homeostasis, which consists of thiol-disulphide exchanges. solutions were used as calibrators. The half value of the difference between total thiol and native thiol amounts gave the disulphide bond amount. RESULTS: No separation step for the assay was needed. All processes were performed using an automated analyser within about 10 min. Plasma disulphide levels were 17.29±5.32 μmol/L, native thiol levels were 397±62 μmol/L and disulphide/native thiol per cent ratios were 4.32±1.49 in healthy subjects. Plasma disulphide levels were higher in patients with degenerative diseases and lower in patients with proliferative diseases.

10 Format: Abstract See 1 citation found by title matching your search: Redox Rep. 2016 Sep;21(5): doi: / Y Epub 2016 Feb 15. Thiol/disulfide homeostasis: A prognostic biomarker for patients with advanced non-small celllung cancer? Dirican N1, Dirican A2, Sen O3, Aynali A4, Atalay S1, Bircan HA1, Oztürk O1, Erdogan S5, Cakir M1, Akkaya A1. Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate oxidative stress and thiol/disulfide status with a novel automated homeostasis assay in advanced non- small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).In advanced stage NSCLC, the native thiol, total thiol, and disulfide levels decrease, while the native thiol/disulfide ratio does not change. Low levels of thiol/disulfide parameters are related to tumor aggressiveness and may predict a poor outcome for patients with NSCLC. PMDI: DOI: / Y

11 Format: Abstract Free Radic Res. 2016 Nov;50(sup1):S79-S84. Epub 2016 Oct 25. Dynamic thiol/disulphide homeostasis before and after radical prostatectomy in patients with prostate cancer. Hanikoglu F1, Hanikoglu A2, Kucuksayan E2, Alisik M3, Gocener AA4, Erel O3, Baykara M4, Cuoghi A5, Tomasi A5, Ozben T2. Abstract Thiol groups are important anti-oxidants and essential molecules protecting organism against the harmful effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of our study is to evaluate thiol-disulphide homeostasis with a novel recent automated method in patients with localized prostate cancer (PC) before and six months after radical prostatectomy (RP). 18 patients with PC and 17 healthy control subjects were enrolled into the study. Blood samples were collected from the controls subjects and patients before and six months after RP. Thiol-disulphide homeostasis was determined using a recently developed novel method. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), albumin, total protein, total thiol, native thiol, disulphide and total antioxidant status (TAS) were measured and compared between the groups. Native thiol, total thiol and TAS levels were significantly higher in the control group than the patients before RP (p < .001). There was a non-significant increase in the native thiol, total thiol and TAS levels in the patients six months after RP in comparison to the levels before RP (p values .3, .3 and .09, respectively). We found a significant negative correlation between PSA and thiol levels. Our study demonstrated that the decreased thiol and TAS levels weakened anti- oxidant defence mechanism in the patients with PC as indicated. Increased oxidative stress in prostate cancer patients may cause metabolic disturbance and have a role in the aetiopathogenesis of prostate cancer.

12 Once the thiol level decreases in serum, its antioxidant power decreases as well. Additionally, we suggest that decreased disulphide levels might have induced the intracellular compartment of apoptosis. It might be thought that proliferative phase of UM is a possible reason of the decrease in disulphide levels which have been determined in our study, as well as in Erel’s study(Erel et all.2015). The decreased levels of native thiol, total thiol, and disulfide are thought to be able to play a role in the etiopathogenesis of UM.

13 Conclusion This study is the preliminary one in which thiol/disulphide balance of patients with uterine myoma is determined, indicating that patients with uterine myoma had decreased levels of serum native thiol, total thiol, and disulphide, with an unchanged native thiol/disulphide ratio. Thereby, it might be theorized that thiol/disulphide balance plays a key role in the pathogenesis of uterine myomas.

14 Thank you for your attention…

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