English III – “Disillusion, Defiance, and Discontent”

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1 English III – 1914-1946 “Disillusion, Defiance, and Discontent”
Unit 5 pages

2 What was the prevailing mood in the years preceding WWI?
Confident Optimistic

3 What tragic event during WWI turned opinion in American toward the Allies?
In 1915 a German submarine sake the Lusitania 1200 people died 128 of them were United States citizens

4 After WWI, what law caused an outbreak of criminal activity in American cities?

5 How healthy was the economy during most of the 1920s?
Booming! Cities grew, downtowns were created

6 Name the event that, in 1929, started the economic downturn known as the Depression?
October, 1929 The Stock Market Crashed

7 With the dominant mood being one of isolationism, what event caused the United States to enter World War II? The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 7, 1941

8 What common purpose was shared by Modernist writers?
Sought to capture the essence of modern life in form and content. Wanted to reflect fragmentation of modern world Abandoned exposition, transition, rhyme, and rhythm for free verse.

9 Name three qualities of the style favored by Imagist poets.
Rebelled against sentimentality. Used clear, hard expressions and concrete images. Wanted to recreate the language of everyday speech.

10 What prompted the “Lost Generation” writers to leave the US and become expatriates in Europe?
Disenchantment with post-war life.

11 Which writers are the best known of the expatriates?
F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway Sherwood Anderson Gertrude Stein

12 What is the stream-of-consciousness technique pioneered by writers of this era?
It was an attempt to recreate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts.

13 Which American writers won the Nobel Prize during this time?
Sinclair Lewis (1st!) Pearl S. Buck T.S. Eliot William Faulkner Ernest Hemingway John Steinbeck

14 What was the Harlem Renaissance movement?
America experienced a burst of creative activity from citizens of Harlem. Inspired by Countee Cullen’s “I have a rendezvous with life”

15 What factors might have brought about the Harlem Renaissance?
Huge flowering of creative activity Publishing of African American Poetry Jazz

16 Who were two of the most important Harlem Renaissance writers?
Countee Cullen Langston Hughes

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