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Feminism in American Literature

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1 Feminism in American Literature

2 Common Themes Female equality Experiences of the woman Horrors of rape
Domestic abuse Arguments that women are not as smart as men Women can’t handle financial matters Mental Health/Physical Health

3 Challenging the Canon Canon – The literature canon was created and written by white men. They are considered to have universal appeal. Literature judged by white male critics. Feminism – Literature written by women challenges the traditional assumptions and encourage interest in lit. written by women including women of color.

4 Female Writers Virginia Woolf – A Room of One’ Own Kate Chopin *
Zora Neale Hurston * Edith Wharton Louisa May Alcott * Jane Austen George Eliot The Bronte sisters

5 What does it emphasize? Women’s writing tends to emphasize the importance of the community. Imaginary worlds are usually egalitarian, nonhierarchical even anarchist. Concerned with self-empowerment Empowerment of the group as a whole

6 Value the personal Women’s writing tends to value the personal
Characters are developed deeply Personal concerns are considered important to the plot of the story. Concerns of individuals are seen to be integral to community Protagonists are observers and participants of community Interested in the growth of the individual

7 Importance is placed on the biography and particularly autobiography and autobiographical fiction
An author wants to share the life lessons of her own life

8 Privilege of Writing Since the 19th century feminist writers agree that a certain degree of privilege is required to become a writer. Most women in the 19th and 20th cen. Have spent the majority of their time maintaining a household and/or family.

9 Important theme Listening to the female voices of all colors in addition to those of males and of taking women’s experiences seriously. Can be accomplished by reclaiming and valuing previously undervalued writings of women in the past and taking seriously those in the present.

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