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Presentation on theme: "CONNECT 4 The... DEVELOP YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF PLOT, CHARCTAERS, THEMES, CONTEXT and WRITER’s TECHNIQUE."— Presentation transcript:


Select a circle from the bottom row of the grid Answer question Click to reveal the answer Click again to return to Grid Slide Click the X circle to select correct colour for the team. Repeat for the opposing team. Continue to repeat until you have a winning team You can only choose a circle from the row above when there is a token already in the slot directly below it. Don’t try, it confuses the slide show arrangement and restarts the game if you do 

3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

4 Supernatural, Regicide, Ambition
Name a theme in Macbeth Supernatural, Regicide, Ambition Other?

5 She persuade him. It is her plan.
How does Lady Macbeth influence Macbeth? She persuade him. It is her plan.

6 The audience knows something the character/s don’t.
What is dramatic irony? The audience knows something the character/s don’t.

7 Excessive pride in oneself
What is hubris? Excessive pride in oneself

8 What is hamartia? A hero's fatal flaw

9 The turning point in a play or narrative
What is a Peripeteia? The turning point in a play or narrative

10 Who is Aristotle? A Greek philosopher

11 Shakespeare wrote History, Tragedy and what other kind of play?

12 The release of repressed emotion in response to a literary work
What is catharsis? The release of repressed emotion in response to a literary work

13 What kind of character is Batman?
He is a tragic hero

14 What 3 things contribute to Macbeth’s downfall?
The witches predictions, Lady Macbeth’s persuasion & his own ambition

15 The Witches predictions / Duncan’s Murder
What is the Peripeteia in Macbeth? The Witches predictions / Duncan’s Murder ???

16 A moment of recognition
What is Anagnorisis? A moment of recognition

17 When the predictions come true
When does Macbeth experience anagnorisis? When the predictions come true

18 Use of the weather to generate atmosphere
What is pathetic fallacy? Use of the weather to generate atmosphere

19 Two opposing words within a phrase
What is an oxymoron? Two opposing words within a phrase

20 Contrast of concept or idea
What is antithesis? Contrast of concept or idea

21 What is a protagonist? The main character

22 The protagonists opposite or opposition
What is an antagonist? The protagonists opposite or opposition

23 How many acts do Shakespeare's plays have?

24 Macbeth is pensive, thoughtful or doubtful
‘Macbeth’s subjunctive mood…’ What does this mean? Macbeth is pensive, thoughtful or doubtful

25 Macbeth is commanding or imperial
‘Macbeth’s imperative mood…’ What does this mean? Macbeth is commanding or imperial

26 ‘Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow’
Who says these lines? Macbeth

27 ‘fair is foul, and foul is fair.’
Language device? Oxymoron

28 ‘Bring me no more reports. Let them fly all’
Who says these words? Macbeth

29 “Close the door.” is an example of what kind of sentence?

30 What is a tragic hero? A literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction

31 What characteristics does a tragic hero usually have?
Noble-birth  Heroic Fated by supernatural force to doom Hamartia

32 What is Macbeth’s hamartia?
His ambition

33 ‘all’s to weak, for Brave Macbeth’
Who says these lines? The Captain (Act 1 Scene 2)

34 ‘What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won.’
Who says these lines? King Duncan

35 These are Macbeth’s opening lines
‘So foul and fair a day I have not seen’ Who says these lines? These are Macbeth’s opening lines (Act 1 Scene 3)

36 ‘why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair?’
Who says these lines? Banquo (Act 1 Scene 3)

37 What language device is used here?
‘why do you dress me in borrow’d robes?’ What language device is used here? Metaphor & Motif (Shakespeare uses clothing as a recurring symbol of status)

38 What is Macbeth saying here?
‘Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: The greatest is behind’. What is Macbeth saying here? The greatest prediction is yet to come true.

39 ‘look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’
Who says these lines? Lady Macbeth

40 ‘Leave all the rest to me.’
Who says these lines? Lady Macbeth

41 Who was on the throne of England when Shakespeare wrote Macbeth?
James I (he was also James III of Scotland)

42 Within the period of time that James I reigned as King
Jacobean context What does this mean? Within the period of time that James I reigned as King

43 Shakespeare's life and career was spread over James I’s reign and which other Monarch, prior to him?
Elizabeth I

44 Sleep / insomnia is a recurring symbol in Macbeth.
What does it symbolise? Conscience

45 What the witches planning here?
‘you all know, security is mortals chiefest enemy’ What the witches planning here? To cause Macbeth’s downfall by making him feel secure.

46 What does this apparition mean?
‘Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough’ What does this apparition mean? Macbeth needs to beware of Macduff

47 Macduff is born by caesarian
‘non of woman born shall harm Macbeth’ How does this apparition come true? Macduff is born by caesarian ‘untimely ripp’d’

48 How does this prediction come true?
‘Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until Great Birnam Wood to High Dunsinane Hill’ How does this prediction come true? The English army uses branches to camouflage their ascent.

49 Why does Macbeth say these lines?
‘The castle of Macduff I will surprise’ Why does Macbeth say these lines? Because of the witches prediction. He intends to have Macduff assassinated.

50 What does Macbeth mean here? Macbeth is refusing to commit suicide.
‘Why should I play the Roman fool’ What does Macbeth mean here? Macbeth is refusing to commit suicide. Roman honour demanded suicide rather than surrender

51 To whom does Macbeth say these lines and why?
‘Of all men else I have I have avoided thee’ To whom does Macbeth say these lines and why? Macduff. He feels guilty because he murdered his whole family.

52 Malcolm, they are the final lines of the play.
‘So, thanks to all at once and to each one, Whom we invite to see us crown’d at Scone.’ Who says these lines? Malcolm, they are the final lines of the play.


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