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Students will be able to…

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1 Students will be able to…
Fractions Essential Question: Why are parts of a whole expressed in different ways?• How do I decide when to use a fraction or decimal?• How do I model adding fractions?• How do I model adding decimals? Unit 5 For Unit 5 we will begin with ordering and comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators. We will then move into addition of fractions. Vocabulary Words double-bar graph o graph o mixed number o repeating decimal o improper fraction o simplest form o convert o equivalent o fraction bar o line graph The purpose of this unit is to review the meanings of fraction and decimal notations for rational numbers and develop skill in converting between them. Students will be able to… generate equivalencies for mixed numbers, fractions and decimals. compare and order fractions and decimals. round decimals. create and interpret graphs. model addition of fractions and decimals. Helpful Math Videos Adding unlike denominators Visually adding unlike denominators Intro to equilvalent fractions Common denominators Comparing Fractions with unlike denominators

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