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School Offer Bawdsey CEVCP School
How does the school know if my child needs extra help? Farlingaye Pyramid School Offer Bawdsey CEVCP School What will the school do after deciding with me that my child needs something extra and special to help them learn? What should I do if I think my child has SEND? What will the school do if they think my child has SEND? How will the school keep me informed once it has been agreed my child has SEND? What are the arrangements for the resolution of disagreements? What support is available for a child with SEND at this school? How will my child be supported during school transitions? What does this school do to prepare SEND children for the future? What are the school’s expectations for children with SEND? Where else can I find support and information?
How do the staff at Bawdsey school know if my child needs extra help?
Through liason with feeder schools and preschools Each child’s performance is carefully tracked, and action is taken when a child is performing at a level below that expected for their age We notice and monitor differences in behaviour, listening skills, self esteem and confidence compared to other children Concerns may be raised by parents Advice or concerns may come from outside agencies Advice or concerns may come from health care professionals
What should I do if I think my child has SEND?
Arrange to have a chat outlining your concerns with your child’s class teacher initially Arrange to have a chat outlining your concerns with the SENCo and/or Headteacher as required Ensure the school is kept informed of any relevant background information/ changes/ concerns you have about your child
What will the school do if they think my child has SEND?
The school will use simple tests as appropriate to assess your child Class teacher will have a dialogue with parents/carers and child Additional support will be set up for your child if this is appropriate Your child’s progress will be monitored When necessary, the school SENCo may refer your child for further help or tests with an outside agency.
What support is available for a child with SEND at Bawdsey CEVCP school?
Staff Skills Every class teacher is responsible for differentiating learning tasks and activities to make them appropriate for all the children in their class. Mrs Feakes is the designated SENCo, with 10 years experience. She has attended training in dyslexia, behaviour issues, autism and speech and language issues. There are three teaching assistants working at Bawdsey school who are all experienced at working with children with special needs, either individually or in small groups. One of our teaching assistants has been trained in dealing with emotional issues. Resources In addition to differentiated tasks within each classroom, children who need extra help may be helped by accessing a 10-minute intervention once a day. We use Booster Phonics, Acceleread/Accelerwrite, Speed up handwriting, Apples and Pears, Dancing Bears, Toe by Toe, Wordshark, Numbershark, Plus one, Power of two and Nessy schemes. Other agency support which may be available Speech and Language therapy service, Educational pyschology service, Early years and childcare team, County Inclusive Resource. LA Local Offer Link
Where else can I find support and information?
Parent Partnership, now called SENDIASS and-the-local-offer/sendiass/ Access Unlimited Access and Assessment Team for Norfolk and Suffolk nhs Assessment-Service-Suffolk.aspx Autism Suffolk The British Dyslexia Association
What will the school do after deciding with me that my child needs something extra and special to help them learn? Class teacher will take responsibility for the daily education of your child and will be supported and advised by the SENCo where necessary Learning is appropriately differentiated to allow access and challenge for all Deployment of a teaching assistant/ learning support assistant may be appropriate Children will have access to the right tools to support them in the classroom Specific programmes of work may be used if appropriate Class teacher (with consultation with SENCo as required) will set targets for your child’s learning. These targets may be recorded, agreed with class teacher, parent and pupil, and evaluated on a pupil passport half-termly.
How will Bawdsey CEVCP school keep me informed once it has been agreed my child has SEND?
Your child’s class teacher will meet with you termly to discuss your child’s progress, any new developments and strategies for working together (this could be at a Parent consultation evening). Meetings will take place with external agencies where necessary, and copies of any reports will be shared with parents. Annual Review meetings will be held where there is an EHC plan in place. Other forms of communication may include: -Home/school diary, or communication book -Telephone conversations -Letters home -contact with class teacher/school staff
What are Bawdsey CEVCP school’s expectations for children with SEND?
All learners develop confidence and are self-assured All children are encouraged to become independent learners Children with SEND are aware of their own needs and the strategies that help them learn All children will enjoy a balanced, well-rounded curriculum with lots of fun opportunities
How will my child be supported during school transitions?
Liaison with pre-school prior to starting at the school Liaison, when appropriate, with external agencies to aid transition Reception and Nursery Adults at home and at school sharing knowledge about your child so we can plan together New intake days All year groups Liaison with class teachers as your child moves through the school Additional visits to new classroom and teacher when necessary If appropriate, support using social stories Year 6 Additional meetings with High School/visits to High School
What are the arrangements for the resolution of disagreements?
Contact: Headteacher Mrs K. Butler Chair of Governors Mr Andrew Longbon Parent Partnership phone or text
What does Bawdsey CEVCP school do to prepare SEND children for the future?
E-Safety awareness Sexual Health and Relationships Education Citizenship
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