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目录 CONTENTS 壹 Strengthen Pin Yin skill 贰 Healthy Issues 叁 Emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "目录 CONTENTS 壹 Strengthen Pin Yin skill 贰 Healthy Issues 叁 Emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 目录 CONTENTS Strengthen Pin Yin skill Healthy Issues Emotions

2 High blood pressure 高血压 Gāo xué yā Diabetes 糖尿病 Táng niào bìng
Healthy Issues High blood pressure 高血压 Gāo xué yā Diabetes 糖尿病 Táng niào bìng High cholesterol 高胆固醇 Gāo dǎn gù chún


4 Asthma 哮喘 Xiào chuǎn Benign tumor 良性肿瘤 Liáng xìng zhǒng líu Cancer 癌症
Health Issues Asthma 哮喘 Xiào chuǎn Benign tumor 良性肿瘤 Liáng xìng zhǒng líu Cancer 癌症 Ái zhèng

5 Health Issues Dementia 老年痴呆症 Lǎo nián chī dāi zhèng Depression 抑郁症 Yì yù zhèng 忧郁症 Yōu yù zhèng Schizophrenia 精神分裂症 Jīn shén fēn liè zhèng

6 Tips to reduce your risk of dementia
1. Stay mentally stimulated 刺激思维 Cì jī sī weí Read, write, complete puzzles, play cards, learn a new language or a musical instrument 2. Maintain an active social life 保持活跃的社交生活 Bǎo chí huó yuè de shè jiāo shēng huó 3. Eat a healthy diet 健康饮食 Jiàn kāng yǐn shí 4. Keep physically active 保持运动 Bǎo chí yùn dòng

7 Emotions 情绪 qíng xù 心情 xīn qíng
喜乐 愤怒 忧伤 害怕 厌烦 xǐ lè fèn nù yōu shāng hài pà yàn fán Joy anger sadness fear disgust 7

8 More Emotional Words Irritated 生气 Shēng qì Grieved 伤心 Shāng xīn Lonely 孤单 Gū dān Contented 满足 Mǎn zhú Proud 自豪 Zì háo Anxious 担忧 Dān yōu Ambivalent 矛盾 Máo dùn Regretful 后悔 Hòu huǐ insignificant 无用的 Wú yòng de

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