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SPSA Evaluation Reyna Corral

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1 SPSA Evaluation Reyna Corral
Local District East Title I Program Coordinator October 5, 2016

2 Outcomes Deepen Understanding of Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Compensatory Education (CE)Program Items : 19 SSC Annually Evaluates SPSA Services: SPSA evaluation conducted annually, with SSC agenda, sign-ins and minutes indicating that it was discussed, motion was made, and evaluation was approved 8 SSC Approves SPSA: SSC agenda, sign-ins, and minutes indicating the data was reviewed in order to make decisions regarding budget, implementing programs, and progress monitoring

3 Purpose Based on current data, begin evaluating the current SPSA to check progress towards being “on-track” to meet the SPSA Goal section objectives Practice procedures to determine if current data results require SPSA Modifications to ensure alignment of objectives/strategies/actions/tasks/expenditures to address current low-achieving/at-risk students needs to provide information for the SSC to carry out these responsibilities Update on upcoming online SPSA evaluation requirements

4 2016-2017 SPSA Evaluation/Alignment Activity
Strategy: Here’s What, So What, Now What… Information Processing: Exploring and Discovering Decide on roles: Facilitator, Time Keeper, Recorder of the Final Group Sheets, Speaker(s) during whole group share out. Facilitator distributes one sheet per person from each of the three folders: “Here’s What” contains the specific data and SPSA Goal section the group will be evaluating/aligning “So What” contains the Analysis of the Data sheet “Now What” contains the Guiding Evaluation Questions sheet Group members complete the So What (10 min.) and Now What (10 min.) sheets individually. Members share their responses among their group and the recorder captures the best responses on the final So What and Now What group sheets (15 min.) Speakers share out during the full-group dialogue

5 The SPSA is Moving Online
In the school year, the Single plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) will become an online web-based system The SPSA Evaluation is embedded in the SPSA to create alignment between evaluation of the plan and objectives/ strategies/actions/tasks/expenditures to move the plan forward

6 Changes to the 2017-2018 SPSA Evaluation
Requires simple “Yes” or “No” responses only In order to answer “Yes”, a school must have already met all Measurable Objectives (not just be “on-track to meet”) A school must meet all Measurable Objectives in a Goal section to respond “Yes” for that Goal section


8 Changes to the 2017-2018 SPSA Evaluation
Questions previously found in the SPSA Evaluation have been moved to what was formerly known as “Findings” in the Goals and Objectives sections


10 Reflection/Cascading Message
Based on your school’s current data, do the services of the staff and resources described in your SPSA align to the needs of your low-achieving/at-risk students?

11 Taking the Work Back to SSC: Asking the Right Questions
What are the primary equity challenges in your school? What factors explain achievement patterns? Which “sub groups” are experiencing the greatest difficulties?    Which of the key ingredients to school success should your school be focused on? How will priorities be established? How will benchmarks be used to monitor progress? What type of support will the local district office provide so that greater progress is made?   

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