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Tile-based worlds + scrolling

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1 Tile-based worlds + scrolling
Lecture 2

2 overview Basically: Old-school New-school A palette of "chunks"
stitch together to make worlds Old-school Mega-man Legend of Zelda (anything SNES / NES / GB / etc.) New-school Harder to spot…and it's 3d Unity "Prefab" / Unreal "Blueprint"

3 Refresher on pygame blitting
blit = copy (part of) one surface to another 250 212 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) fimg = pygame.image.load("fallout.bmp") zimg = pygame.image.load("zelda.png") screen.blit(zimg, (50, 100)) # Blit all screen.blit(fimg, (400,100), (200,130,250,212)) # Blit some fimg 500 700 (200,130) screen 800 600 (50,100) (400,100) zimg 200 400

4 Python Dictionaries The “normal” python sequences (we’ve seen):
Strings: a collection of characters (immutable) Tuples: a collection of arbitrary objects / values (immutable) Lists: a collection of arbitrary objects / values (mutable) How Dictionaries are different: An unordered set of key-value pairs …because of this, no “normal” (positional) indexing

5 Python dictionaries D = {} # Going to be a string => integer dictionary D[“bob”] = 10 # Makes a new key (“bob”) / value (10) pair print(D[“bob”]) # 10 D[“sue”] = 11 D[“bob”] = 13 # Modifies the value associated with “bob” del D[“sue”] print(len(D)) # 1 D2 = {5 : 3.27, 23 : -19.1} print(D2[5]) # 3.27 print(len(D2)) # 2 for key in D2: print(key) # 5 on one line, then 23 on another print(tuple(D2.keys())) # (5, 23) (perhaps not in that order) print(tuple(D2.values()) # (3.27, -19.1)

6 overview Large world, smaller visible section (screen)
All objects (enemies, tiles, power-ups, etc.) are in world-coordinates Camera is the bridge Position expressed in world-coordinates We use it to convert any world-coordinate to screen I usually picture it in the upper-left corner of the screen Camera position

7 Camera / screen connection
World => Screen conversions screenx = worldx – camerax; screeny = worldy – cameray; Screen => World conversion worldx = screenx + camerax; worldy = screey + cameray; Negative / huge values Clipping!

8 Scrolling: naïve approach
Store world in a large surface. Use the more-powerful blit command: screen.blit(background, (0, 0), (camerax, cameray, screenwidth, screenheight)) Problem with our tile-renderer: Normally, 3 bytes per pixel (1 byte each for red, green, blue) Say our world is 200 tiles wide, 200 high (32x32 tiles) 200 x 200 x 32 x 32 x 3 = about 120 MB…for a *tiny* map! 2000 x 2000 tile world = 11.4 GB! Digression: virtual memory

9 smarter approach Just render the things that are (partially) on-screen
We use a bit more CPU power, but use much less RAM. It’s worth it! Modifications to our tile-rendering Find which tile to start with This is where the upper-left corner of the screen (i.e. …) is located in the world. Render enough tiles to fill the screen. Challenge: the first tile usually isn’t at (0,0) on the screen… [Develop an algorithm using the “worksheet” on the next slide]

10 smarter approach, cont. 10 px 120 px .. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 120 px

11 Do we even need tiles? Maybe Alternative: Better alternative:
A list of shapes (images, primitives, etc.) Still expressed in world units. Brute-force rendering: Loop through all shapes, render if (partially) on-screen Better alternative: Organize shapes – only draw those that we need to Ideas: Spatial Hashing Quadtrees

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