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Advanced Excel Helen Mills OME-RESA.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Excel Helen Mills OME-RESA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Excel Helen Mills OME-RESA

2 OUTLINE Introduction Removing Formulas Adding Formulas Text to columns
Conditional Formatting VLOOKUP

3 Introduction

4 Excel Skills In the last session we learned many skills that will help us dive deep into our data. Some essential skills we will be building on are: -Filtering & sorting -Conditional formatting -Writing formulas Additionally, we will learn in today’s session how to: -Combine data contained on different workbooks -Effectively compare data -Write formulas comfortably and easily -Format formulas and data so it works for you -”Slice and Dice” your data how you need to see it through text to columns

5 Removing Formulas

6 Removing Formulas Removing formulas is an essential part to the initial format of your workbook. Let’s start with the FS record extracted from the Data Collector. We can determine there are formulas by looking for cells that contain =”data” In order to clear the formulas, select the entire worksheet by clicking the triangle between column A and row 1. Right click to paste, and select Paste Values

7 Removing Formulas Continued
The formula is gone when only the numbers or text remain in the cell Your data will now be easier to sum, sort, etc.

8 Adding Formulas

9 Adding Formulas Adding formulas to workbooks can be both necessary and helpful. Let’s use the FS record from the data collector as our example. This file contains School Year Attendance Hours, School Year Excused Absence Hours, and School Year Unexcused Absence Hours. We would really like to see a total of possible attendance hours, to easily filter on. First step is to add a new column, by right clicking and selecting “Insert”. A new column will appear where you chose to insert it.

10 Adding Formulas Continued
Let’s name our new column “Total Possible Attendance.” We would like to SUM the three columns that contain attendance values. To do this, we’ll write a SUM formula. Now, we would like to see this formula for every student, without typing it over and over again. To fill down, select the cell containing the formula and double click on the bottom right corner.

11 Formulas You can use the fill down feature with any formula to save time. You may now easily sort for those with 0 attendance hours possible. There are many formulas you can use in excel. Some of the most common are: SUM- calculates the sum of specified cells. =SUM(number1,number2) adds listed cells together OR =SUM(number1:number5) adds a range of cells using the comma will add all cells listed together, using a colon will add all cells between the two you have listed. Subtraction =A1-B1 Multiplication =A1*B1 Division =A1/B1 Exponents =A1^5 Combining two cells: =A1&”what you want to show between them”&B1 If you wanted to combine First Name and Last Name fields, this would be helpful.

12 Text to Columns

13 Text to Columns Text to columns is a feature within excel that can split a column the way you would like to see it. For this example we will use the FTE Detail Report form the Data Collector. In column W, we see the title is CALENDAR. However, this column contains much more information than just the calendar. It has Calendar District IRN, Building IRN, and Attendance Pattern.

14 Text to Columns To view all of the fields in their own column, we must first insert the amount of columns we will need. We are adding 3 fields to what is already there, so we must add 3 columns. When inserting multiple columns, you do not have to right click-insert 3 separate times. Just highlight 3 columns, right click and hit insert to get 3 new columns.

15 Text to Columns Now that we have our empty columns ready, we are able to split the column. Highlight column W. Navigate to the Data ribbon, and select the Text to Columns option.

16 Text to Columns Once we click Text to Columns a wizard window comes up with many options. First, the wizard wants to know HOW we are splitting the data. Delimited means we will split at a certain character. Fixed width means we are splitting at the same spot no matter what lies in that position. For this example, we will use delimited and use the - as the delimiter, since it is separating the fields we want.

17 Text to Columns Next, the wizard wants to know what the delimiter we are using it. The default value is Tab, we must change this to other. Then, enter - in the box. We then see a preview of our column split. The last prompt is about formatting the data. Click Finish.

18 Text to Columns We just took 1 column and turned it into 4!!! The last step is to change your headers so they make sense.

19 Conditional Formatting

20 Conditional Formatting
We learned a little bit about conditional formatting in the last session. In this session, we will build on this knowledge. Conditional formatting can cut down the time you spend manually comparing records. Let’s compare data from two worksheets. For example, let’s make sure all kids not on track have RIMP codes. First, we will take a list of only student ID’s who are not on track and place them into a new workbook. Then, we will take the student ID’s on reading improvement program codes, and paste them into the same workbook, noting they have RIMPS. Now, we must find the outliers. We could sort, and check one by one that there’s two records for each student, but that can be tedius.

21 Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting is a great way to point out duplicates. Let’s highlight the duplicates on our sheet. First, select the column of student ID’s. Then, on the Home ribbon, select conditional formatting- highlight cell rules- duplicate values.

22 Conditional Formatting
A dialogue box will appear. You can choose to highlight either duplicate or unique values. We are actually looking for the unique values, since those are the ones missing data elements.

23 Conditional Formatting
Now that our list is formatted, let’s provide ourselves with a list containing only the students who are missing records or data elements. Let’s filter for the red cells. We now know that these students have one record, but are missing the other.

24 Conditional Formatting
You can use conditional formatting in the way we just practiced to compare any two lists you have, so long as there is a relationship between them and a unique identifier on each sheet. For the next example, let’s go back to the FTE Detail report. Let’s say we would like to highlight the students who have adjustments.

25 Conditional Formatting
First, select the columns we are formatting. In this example it is N and O. Then, select conditional formatting, and new rule. We will be using a formula to format these cells.

26 Conditional Formatting
We want to type a formula that tells Excel to highlight cells if N does not equal O. This is the formula: =$N1<>$O1 We must also set the format for the cells.

27 Conditional Formatting
To apply the format, click OK. You can now see that the cells with differences are highlighted. You can sort or filter based on cell color to make the data easier to manage.


29 What is VLOOKUP? VLOOKUP is one of Excel’s most useful functions, and it’s also one of the least understood. In it’s most common usage, VLOOKUP is a database function, meaning that it works with database tables- or more simply, it’s a list of things in an Excel worksheet. The list can be of anything. In the example below, I have an FS record from the data collector that we will be working with. For this example, our list is of students.

30 VLOOKUP Usually, the lists we work with contain a unique identifier for each unique item on the list. In this case, the unique identifier is the “State Student ID.” For the VLOOKUP function to work, the list must have a column containing the unique identifier, and that column must be the first column in the table or range. The hardest part of using VLOOKUP is understanding exactly what it’s for. VLOOKUP retrieves information from a database/list based on a supplied instance of the unique identifier. For our example, we are going to add the disability condition from the FD record to the FS record for each student.

31 HOW TO: VLOOKUP The first step in VLOOKUP is to add a column where you would like your new data to appear. Keep in mind, the unique identifier (SSID) should be the first column in the range of cells. I always add my empty column next to the SSID, even if I end up moving it.

32 HOW TO: VLOOKUP Next, we need to sort both of the worksheets we are working with by the unique identifier, SSID. Once both of your sheets are formatted, it’s time to start thinking about writing the function. The most simple way to write a vlookup function is to click on the first cell in the column where you would like the new data to appear, and click on the function button.

33 HOW TO: VLOOKUP Select the function you want to use, VLOOKUP and click ok. You will then see the function arguments dialogue box. This is where we enter how we want the function to work. Lookup Value: the unique identifier, SSID. Select the column where the SSID’s lie. Table Array: The table in which the data you want is located. (FD record). Col_index_num: In the table array, the position of the data you want in the range. Range lookup: always FALSE

34 HOW TO: VLOOKUP In the Lookup_value box, we are going to select the column with SSID’s in the sheet where we want the new data to appear, in this example this is the FS. Simply clicking on the column will populate your values.

35 HOW TO: VLOOKUP Table_array is the range where the new data lies, starting with the unique identifier (SSID). Once again, simply clicking on the workbook to select the values will populate them in the function arguments dialogue.

36 HOW TO: VLOOKUP Col_Index_num is basically, what position does the data you want lie, in relation to the unique identifier. So, we always start with the unique identifier as 1 (SSID). Unlike the other values in the function writer, this does not auto populate. Enter 7 for this example in the col_index_num.

37 HOW TO: VLOOKUP We always enter FALSE in the range_lookup spot, when we want only exact matches. Now that we have our function completed, click ok.

38 HOW TO: VLOOKUP Ta-da! We have the disability code next to the appropriate SSID. Lets fill down the row so we can see them for all students on our list. Double Click the small green box in the bottom right hand corner of the cell. This will fill the formula down

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