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K-12 Student Assessment Scoring and Reporting

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1 K-12 Student Assessment Scoring and Reporting
Dr. Qian Liu Gabriel Colorado Annual District Assessment and Accountability Coordinators Meeting

2 Data Cleaning Procedure Updates
Overview – Scoring and Reporting Testing Changes Score Report Changes Data Cleaning Procedure Updates Student Identification Number Change and Impacts Common Questions PreID Updates Caveon Training

3 Testing Changes Elimination of FSA Algebra 2 EOC and NGSSS Algebra 1 Retake Only two more FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake administrations: Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 Fall 2017 ELA Retake: Testing earlier, Reporting earlier

4 Testing Changes Addition of paper tests for school year Grades 3-6 ELA and Mathematics tests will be administered on paper in the school year Testing later, Reporting later Grade 3 ELA: No later than May 31 All others: No later than June 30

5 Reporting Changes Enhanced Student Reports
Districts must provide statewide assessment student reports to parents within 1 week of their receipt. Report must contain: explanation of the student results; information on student strengths and weaknesses; specific actions that can be taken and resources that can be used for improving areas of weaknesses; comparative data; and, if available, longitudinal and predictive data.

6 Reporting Changes Delivery of electronic copies of Student Reports
Electronic copies of FSA student reports will be loaded to the online reporting system (no more USBs) Future possibility of loading electronic copies of student reports to local district parent portals

7 Data Cleaning Procedure changes
FLEID should reduce the ELA matching issue drastically No more FSA NR spreadsheet Resolve the score flag 4, 5 and 6 via the Discrepancy Resolution System (DRS) in TIDE for the FSA tests Resolve the ‘invalid’ values via PearsonAccess Next before score releases

8 Student Identification - Change and Impacts
FLEID Having the valid FLEID for your students before testing is required. Here are the uses of the FLEID in the Assessment Office: Pre-identify students in PANext/TIDE Identify the retake and APS students in the end-of-course assessments, thus ensuring the accuracy of the summary results Merge the FSA ELA Reading and Writing components Match students’ current test to prior tests in order to populate the longitudinal data for the FSA ELA and Mathematics reports Students cannot test without a valid FLEID

9 Student Identification - Change and Impacts
FLEID FLEID File Submission Guide Please contact the Department FLEID team at if you have any questions about FLEID 9

10 Common Questions and Answers
What does the writing condition code mean? A = Blank B = Insufficient C = Off-topic D = Foreign Language F = Illegible, Incomprehensible G = Copied

11 Common Questions and Answers
Writing Condition Codes, Dimension Score and Score Status Flag Condition Code Dimension 1: Purpose, Focus, Organization 1 – 4 Dimension 2: Evidence and Elaboration 1 – 4 Dimension 3: Conventions 0 – 2 Writing Score Status Flag Writing Numeric Score Report ELA Score? A = Blank (BL) blank No B = Insufficient (IN)   blank 1  0 Yes, the Writing test will be merged with Reading test if the Reading test is assigned a score status flag of 1. The Writing score (0, 1, or 2) will be reported as one of the ELA content area scores. C = Off-topic (OT) 0–2 D = Foreign Language (FL) blank  F = Illegible or Incomprehensible (IL) G = Copied (CO) 

12 Common Questions and Answers
Why is an ELA score not reported? Student only took the Writing or Reading component of the FSA ELA test. Different SID was used for the Writing and Reading component of the FSA ELA test. Either the Writing or Reading component of the FSA ELA test record is assigned a score flag that is not 1 (report score). The score flags for the Writing and Reading components of the FSA ELA tests are included in the DSR data file and Excel school report of students.

13 Common Questions and Answers
FSA ELA Score Status Flag

14 Common Questions and Answers
Score Status Flag 5: Below-Grade Test The flag is 5 if the tested grade is lower than the enrollment grade captured at the start of the testing window for each subject (the first day of test administration for each subject test). Does not apply to EOC and ELA Retake Business Rules for Possible Below-grade testers in FSA A student took a paper test whose enrolled grade on TIDE is higher than the test grade. A student took a Computer Based Test by uploading the wrong enrolled grade on TIDE (TDS does not allow a student to take a below test grade CBT).

15 PreID Updates/Reminders
Addition of accommodations to all layouts (including Pearson) Updated Test Indicators Contracted UEB: W -> D Uncontracted UEB: X -> V Regular Print: R -> P One Item Per Page: O -> I No more Alias number AIR: Unique FLEID Pearson: Unique FLEID, Last Name, First Name, District, School 15

16 PreID Updates/Reminders
Note 1: As soon as possible, enter students into TIDE if they transferred from another district/school in order for the latest, most accurate information to be used for reporting. Note 2: Private-To-Public or adult students can no longer test on demand or on the day of the test without a valid FLEID assigned

17 Caveon Training Training on 7/10/2017 48 attendees
Copy of recording and slides on ShareFile K-12 Scoring and Reporting > Resources > Caveon > Training First part of the training is for both districts and schools Second part of the training is specifically for districts

18 Caveon Training Quick Points
Removal of superintendent signature for invalidation appeals Guide still mentions that this is required, but will be updated shortly to remove this in the Invalidation Appeals Guide, and is effective beginning with any Fall 2017 invalidations. Use caution when relying upon fax machines Please contact FDOE to verify that we have received any appeals sent, especially if sent via fax. If the appeal includes numerous pages, districts are strongly urged to scan them and post for FDOE. One appeal form page per student appealed It also helps to have these at the front of the packet/scanned document as well. For example, if three students were flagged together and you are appealing all three, the first three pages of the appeal should be three appeal forms (one for each student).

19 Contact Information K-12 Scoring and Reporting Team Qian Liu Esra Kocyigit Gabriel Colorado James Low Seung-Yeon Ha Shukun Fang Yingru Liu


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