Key Performance Indicators - June 2017

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2 Key Performance Indicators - June 2017
2013 KPI Process and Results 2014 KPI Process and Results 2015 KPI Process 2016 KPI Process KPI Criteria for Renewal of OSAP designation KPI Results Analysis KPI Recommended Practices Tips

3 2013 KPI Process and Results
PCCs received a memo from Superintendent announcing that Phase 1 of KPI process was to start in July of 2013 PCCs Submitted enrolment and graduate data for Winter, Spring and Fall windows to Forum Research Forum Research was to conduct a graduate outcomes survey and generate KPI for graduation rate, graduate employment rate and graduate employment rate in field of study (GEFS)

4 2013 KPI Process and Results
PCCs received 3 interim preliminary KPI reports for each of the 3 survey windows Throughout 2014 December 2014 and January 2015 – KPI Sector Advisory Group (SAG) reviewed a draft of the preliminary 2013 KPI report and raised several concerns with the integrity and accuracy of the data February of 2015 PCC Branch announced a review and adjustment period for the preliminary 2013 KPI report Following an interruption by the closure of Everest College, the Ministry conducted a full review of the data for all OSAP designated institutions and announced the publication of the final 2013 KPI results in April of 2016

5 2014 KPI Process and Results
July 2014, OSAP designated Institutions were notified that Phase 2 of the KPI process would begin for 2014 Forum Research was again required to conduct a graduate Outcomes survey and an Employer Satisfaction survey that would allow them to generate all 5 KPI – graduation rate, graduate employment rate, GEFS, graduate satisfaction rate and employer satisfaction rate Throughout 2015, OSAP designated PCCs were given an opportunity to review the 3 interim preliminary KPI results for each survey window in 2014 In July of 2016, the PCC Branch announced a review and adjustment period for the preliminary 2014 KPI report In august of 2016, CCO and several PCCs expressed concerns that there were problems with the calculation of the  graduation rates, suggesting that there must have been a methodology error

6 2014 KPI Process and Results
In August of 2016, the Superintendent sent a memo announcing that there had been an error and that all of the graduation rates were being re-calculated by Forum Research In September of 2016, the Superintendent announced another review and adjustment period for PCCs to provide input on the revised 2014 preliminary report In October of 2016, Forum research announced the introduction of an on-line graduation rate calculation tool As of June of 2017, the PCC Branch is still working on ensuring the accuracy of the 2014 KPI reports before announcing their publication

7 2015 KPI Process In 2016, the Superintendent announced to all PCCs, including non-OSAP institutions, that Phase 3 for the 2015 KPI process for the generation of all 5 indicators for all PCCs was being launched. Due to the delay in the finalization and publication of the 2014 KPI results, the generation of the 2015 KPI preliminary report has also been delayed.

8 2016 KPI Process It is anticipated that the launch of the 2016 KPI process for all PCCs will be announced shortly.

9 KPI Criteria for Renewal of OSAP designation
In January 2014 the Assistant Deputy Minister Nancy Naylor issued a memo to OSAP designated PCCs announcing new KPI criteria for OSAP designation in conjunction with the extension of eligibility for the Ontario tuition grant to include career college students. The New designation criteria was to be based on KPI results for graduation, graduate employment and COISL default rates. It was announced at that time that the 2013 KPI reports for phase 1 would be considered to be pilot year results and would not count toward the new KPI criteria for maintaining OSAP designation.

10 KPI Criteria for Renewal of OSAP designation
Under the new criteria PCCs must have both a published overall graduation rate and a published overall graduate employment rate that meet the standard in at least 1 year out of every three years to maintain designation. The standard is both 80% of the average graduation rate and 80% of the average graduate employment rate for the community college sector. These criteria were to begin to count toward maintaining OSAP designation with the 2014 KPI results. However, due to the delays in finalizing and publishing the 2014 KPI, on May 29, 2017 the Assistant Deputy Minister sent a memo to all OSAP designated PCCs announcing that the first KPI results that would count toward the designation criteria will be the 2015 KPI results.

11 KPI Criteria for Renewal of OSAP designation
The 2015 thresholds for PCCs are as follows: Graduation rate: 53.4% Graduate employment rate: 66.9% The 2016 thresholds for PCCs will be as follows: Graduation rate: 53.3% Graduate employment rate: 66.4% Under the new criteria for KPI, PCCs must also have a published overall COISL default rate under the applicable threshold in at least 1 of every 4 consecutive years, in order to maintain OSAP designation. 2016 default rate threshold for 2013/2014 borrowers: 25% 2017 default rate threshold for 2014/2015 borrowers: 22.5% 2018 default rate threshold for 2015/2016 borrowers: 20% 2019 default rate threshold for 2016/2017 borrowers: 20% (expected)

12 KPI Criteria for Renewal of OSAP designation
The timing of the first OSAP de-designations based on the graduation/graduate employment rate criteria could potentially occur after the publication of the 2017 KPI results if the 2017 KPI are published prior to May 1, Then, any such de-designations would occur prior to the commencement of the 2019/2020 OSAP year. However, if the 2017 KPI are not published until after May 1, 2019 but prior to May 1, 2020, any such de-designations would occur prior to the start of the 2020/2021 OSAP year. Additionally, the first de-designations based on COISL default rates thresholds could potentially occur prior to the 2020/2021 OSAP year, if the 2019 COISL default rates are published prior to May 1, 2020.

13 Most Recent KPI Results Analysis
The average 2013 Graduation rate: was 77.2% The average 2013 Graduate employment rate: 71.2% 2013 KPI results VS the 2014 thresholds 9 PCCs under the 2014 graduation rate threshold of 52.9% 56 PCCs under the graduate employment rate threshold of 67.3% In Total: 62 PCCs would have failed to meet the 2014 standard.

14 Most Recent KPI Results Analysis
The 2015 COISL default rates results: PCC aggregate is 17.0% down from 18.5% for 2014 15.3% (excluding Everest College) The 2015 default rates range from 0% to 46.4% (including Everest College). The range is from 0% to 37.5% (excluding Everest College) No default rate reported: 15 0% default rate: 14 0% to 5% default rate: 9 5% to 10% default rate: 31 10% to 20% default rate: 47 20% to 25% default rate: 14 >25% default rate: 18 Closed Everest Colleges: 16

15 Most Recent KPI Results Analysis
Defaulter characteristics Age: Under 25: 23.4% Over 25: 13.7% Gender: Male: 22.4% Female: 14.9% Non-withdrawls: 8.8% Withdrawls: 43.8% Students who are approved for repayment assistance: 3.6%

16 Recommended Practices
Provide complete and accurate enrolment and graduate data to Forum Research Reinforce with students and graduates regularly that they can expect to be contacted by Forum Research approximately 6 months after graduation Review with students and graduates the nature and meaning of the questions they will be asked during the survey interviews Employ career services staff to assist graduates with finding employment, and provide support to employers after they have hired a graduate Make diligent efforts to provide Forum Research with alternate telephone numbers for graduates that have been identified as hard to find Provide employers of your graduates with advanced information about the potential of being surveyed by Forum Research, and encourage them to participate

17 Recommended Practices
Conduct interviews with OSAP students upon entrance, at the mid-term, upon exit and during post-graduation about their repayment obligations and the consequences of defaulting on their loans Share information regularly with OSAP students and graduates about the repayment assistance safety net options that are available to them Administer admissions tests appropriately to ensure as many students as possible complete, as those who withdraw are at highest risk to default Use program advisory committees to ensure the skills of graduates are relevant to the current labour force and increase the likelihood of being employed in a timely manner

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