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Pingyao ancient city.

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1 Pingyao ancient city

2 1 概述  Name: English name of Pingyao: The Ancient City of Ping Yao approval date: December 1997 (the ancient city of Pingyao in Shanxi province in December 1997 was included in the World Heritage list) heritage categories: cultural heritage, heritage selection criteria: according to the cultural heritage of the ancient city of Pingyao selection criteria c (II) (III) (IV) were included in the World Heritage list. Pingyao is the most complete in China ancient town is the city of the Han nationality in Ming and Qing dynasties, China's outstanding example of development in Chinese history, presents a picture of extraordinary cultural, social, economic and religious development of the complete picture. Pingyao used to be called "ancient pottery", the early Ming dynasty, in order to prevent foreign South one, built walls, Hongwu three years (1370 ad) rebuilt over the old foundation walls expanded and comprehensive package of brick. Jingtai later, Ching Tak, Jiajing, longqing and Wanli all had ten times for repair and renovation, updating towers, the addition of enemy units. 43 year of Kangxi (in 1703) as Emperor of the West Loop are Pingyao, and built four large towers, making the city more spectacular. Total perimeter 6163-meter city wall of Pingyao, about 12 meters high wall, Pingyao City area of 2.25 square kilometers of a separation into two different worlds. Within the walls, floor, streets, pavements, retaining shape of Ming and Qing; outside the walls called Metro. This is an ancient and modern architecture as a whole, each other, and far better. In 2009, WINS world record Association current most full of Pingyao ancient town, winning again.


4 2 地理位置  Ancient city of Pingyao in North China's Shanxi province, Central, was built in the period of King Xuan of Zhou (827 ~ BC 782 BC), Emperor Hongwu of the Ming dynasty for three years (1370) extension, is now more than more than 2,700 years of history. To date, relatively intact, it also retains the Ming and Qing dynasties (ad ) basic features of the County during the period, Chinese Han nationality's region the most complete extant ancient city. Fen is located in East Bank of Pingyao and Taiyuan basin southwest of, and a national historical and cultural city Qi County is adjacent to another. Tongpu railroad, Dayun Expressway runs through the County. Economy is dominated by agriculture, the main production of grain, cotton, specialty, such as beef, push light lacquer. Beef with considerable reputation, has "taigu Pingyao beef cake" song lyrics. Pingyao County prototype is mostly preserved during Ming and Qing dynasties, the "turtle," said. Street pattern for "Earth" shape, building layout, follow the azimuth of gossip, embodies the concept of urban planning of the Ming and Qing dynasties and shape distributions. Inside and outside the city there are various ruins, building more than 300 locations, has preserved nearly 4000 homes in Ming and Qing dynasties, street shops reflect the historical original, known as ancient Chinese city of live specimens. City wall of Pingyao was built in Ming dynasty for three years, there are 6 surviving Gates enceinte, 4 72 ramparts and watchtowers. South Gate Wall segment in 2004, of which collapsed, in addition to most of the rest are still intact, is the current larger, earlier history, preserved one of the most complete ancient city walls is also a core part of the ancient city of Pingyao, a world heritage site. In addition, zhenguo monastery, the Pingyao Confucius Temple and Shuanglin Temple also are included in the scope of protection of the world heritage.


6 3 古城历史 The ancient city of Pingyao, was built in the period of King Xuan of Zhou (827 ~ BC 782 BC), Emperor Hongwu of the Ming dynasty for three years (1370) extension, is now more than more than 2,700 years of history. To date, relatively intact, it also retains the Ming and Qing dynasties (ad ) basic features of the County during the period, Chinese Han nationality's region the most complete extant ancient city. Pingyao was the late Qing dynasty in China's financial center, and has China's best preserved ancient town landscape. Spring and autumn is when Jin, is warring States period Zhao. Reset flat Clay County of the Qin dynasty, Han home counties, for the clan's King's capital. Pingyao County changed its name to the Northern Wei. Pingyao County prototype saved during Ming and Qing dynasties, there is "turtle," said. Street pattern for "Earth" shape, building layout, follow the azimuth of gossip, embodies the concept of urban planning of the Ming and Qing dynasties and shape distributions. Inside and outside the city there are various ruins, building more than 300 locations, has preserved nearly 4000 homes in Ming and Qing dynasties, street shops reflect the historical original, known as ancient Chinese city of live specimens.

7 4 旅游景区 Traffic vein criss-crossed by four streets of the ancient city of Pingyao, eight lane, 72 House centipede lane composition. South Street is the central axis of the old city of Pingyao, Qing dynasty control over 50% South Street financial institutions. Known as China's "Wall Street." West Street, West under Simon (Phoenix), East and intersects the northern end of South Street, Dong da Jie was a straight through the main street. Famous first piaohao in China--rishengchang, was born in gucheng West Street, known as "Qing Pingyao financial first street". Rishengchang piaohao was founded in light of four years (1824), ruins the 2324 square meters, with compact, functional. The vicissitudes, brilliant performance, leading medical practitioners countrywide financial, opened China's first national banking industry, and for a time manipulation of 19th century the Qing dynasty's economic lifeblood. Semicolons throughout the country more than 30 cities, commercial port city, as far as Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries, with "Huitong" famous throughout the world. After rishengchang piaohao was founded, a total of jiexiu, taigu, qixian County, competing to follow.

8 Eastern Avenue, under the East East Gate (John), West and intersects the northern end of South Main Street, and West Main Street was a straight through the main street. North Street, North from the North Gate (Circumpolar), Nantong West Central Avenue. Pingyao city eight small street and 72 article House centipede Lane, name each has origin, some named Yu near of building or striking logo, such as Yamen Street, and Academy Street, and Xiao Chang Lane, and Helan bridge Lane, and flagpole Street, and three eye wells Street, and Wall Street South, and small Cha homes Lane,; some named Yu temples, such as Temple Street, and Temple Street, and Lohan Temple Street, and fire Temple Street, and shut di Temple Street, and really Wu Temple Street, and five road Temple Street,; some named Yu local of large, such as Zhao Ju people Street, and Thunder Jia Yuan Street, and Song Menghuai Lane, and Yan home Lane, and JI home Lane, and Guo home Lane, and fans Street , And home Lane, and horse home Lane,; city Northeast angle has a seat relative closed of city of city, similar Yu ancient city in the of square, near of four article Street also on was named for East wall Jing Bao, and in the wall Jing Bao, and west wall Jing Bao and Fort outside Street; also some streets is has cannot inquiry name origin has, such as righteousness Street, and Sweetwater Lane, and sprouts Street, and gourd belly Lane,.

9 Pingyao ancient dwellings, mainly brick tile-roofed wooden courtyard, the layout is careful, symmetrical, high and low order. Clan built binaries, three courtyards and even larger group, the courtyard between the separated by ornate chuihuamen. Most beautifully decorated residential homes, usually built a brick wall inside the door, Yan Xia Liang Fang were carved birds, column bases, door pillars, stone drum decorated with stone carving. Folk saying: "Pingyao's top ten weird", one of which is "the House side cover. "Folk residence in pinyao is mostly within a single slope into the water, the most widely circulated statement called" four rivers Church "or" water does not flow fields ", is located in arid Shanxi province, and the large sand, houses built single slope, can increase the housing away from the wall's height, and street does not open the window, you can effectively resist sand and improve safety. While hospital compact layout displays external exclusion, internal cohesion of national character.

10 Temple Street is located in the southeast of the City God Temple, Temple, the temples of Mammon, the kitchen god temple buildings constitute the three groups. Huang Han nationality's religious culture in ancient gods are common worship in one of the most important gods, mostly active in the local population's official hero plays. Temple's tagline of "Temple of heaven on the Emperor in trouble, the magistrate has come to this," don't know where from, but especially on the history of Ming dynasty, Cheng Huang ascribed offices above County magistrate, Ming Taizu Temple must be built around the Dahir, symmetrically arranged with the County Department that "each of the yin and Yang", which is an ancient "sacred rule" thought clearly reflected. Aptly view is located in the East section of East Main Street, was founded in Tang dynasty, splendid in the Yuan, the existing main building was the Ming dynasty relic, as the key unit in Shanxi province.

11 古城平面图

12 日升昌遗址

13 古城民居

14 城隍庙

15 清虚观

16 5 平遥城墙 Pingyao city walls, built in the time of King Xuan of Zhou (827 ~ BC 782 BC) to rammed earth walls. Hongwu reign for three years (1370), rebuilt by the original "nine 18-step" expanding "in 12 three-four per cent" (6.4 km), rammed earth walls for the masonry walls. According to the legend, "mountain Sun, before the turtles paddle, Yau building of the city, according to this win" argument, take the turtle "lucky life" of Italy, built as "turtle city." Four corner turrets by four points on the East wall, kuixing built on the top floor in the southeast corner and Wenchang. For military defenses need to be located on the city wall of Pingyao was built again six, North and South, East and West the second, Nan Yue ying smoked, North Circumpolar, East on Tai Wo East under John Simon on the yongding, Simon Fung under each seat Barbican Tower of the building has eaves xieshan, six gates, located on the former provided a drawbridge. Surrounded by a moat wide and 3 meters outside the city walls. Lu Tai-Shan and Liu Gen River South of the city, "mountain Sun, turtle swimming before." So far, the ancient city walls, streets, houses, stores, temples and other buildings remain largely intact, original forms and patterns largely untouched, they belong to the existing heritage an integral part of the ancient city of Pingyao.


18 平遥三宝 One ancient city wall of Pingyao city walls. Hongwu reign for three years (1370) was built, 6.4 kilometers in circumference, the biggest in recorded history earlier in Shanxi, a wall. Both the Ming and the Qing dynasty repair, but basically the shape and structure of the early Ming dynasty. City square, around walls 12 meters high, looks all brick, walls in the midst of crenels wall moat, deep 4 meters. City week turned into six, two, North and South. Cheats building located on the outside, in order to facilitate defensive. There are 3,000 crenels, 72, ramparts, is said to be a symbol of 3,000 disciples of Confucius and 72 sages. After more than 600 years of vicissitudes the city walls, still treasures still exist.

19 二宝镇国寺 North Gate of the ancient city of Zhen Guo Temple, it is the city's second treasure. The Hall of the temple was built in the five dynasties (10th century AD) era, and is ranked third of the oldest wood-frame construction in China, dating back more than 1000 years of history. Hall's painted sculpture of the five dynasties period was rare sculpture art treasures.

20 三宝双林寺 Shuanglin Temple of the third treasure is located in the southwest of the ancient city. Bei Qi Wuping, the temple was built in two years (571). More than more than 10 in the big Hall in the temple keeps a Yuan dynasty to the Ming dynasty (13~17 century AD) of painted sculptures statues more than more than 2000, known as "treasure-house of painted sculpture and art".

21 1986, pingyao county, is the second batch of historical and cultural cities in China, one of the ancient city of pingyao ancient city is China's four big , China is only the filing in the ancient city of the world cultural heritage succeed one of the two ancient county (the other one for lijiang) ancient city of pingyao in Shanxi Province has won the honorary title of "China first city".In 2001, held the first pingyao international photography festival, has been successfully held 13 consecutive terms.In 2005, pingyao international photography festival (IFEA) by the international festival association named the "top ten of China's most international influence festival activities".On April 9, 2006, the global times, the selection of pingyao as "China's most foreigners to 50 place" on November 19, 2007, was one of the ancient city of pingyao obtained by the organizing committee of the China tourism BBS awarded "China's best leisure tourism county", "China top ten city" title of honor.On December 14, 2007, pingyao ancient city was awarded the title of "national tourist business card" in 2009, pingyao ancient city won the world record in the association

22 旅游指南 Attractions national historical and cultural city, national key cultural relics protection units: pingyao pingyao city walls, the chinese-styled, pingyao name, Keats temple, pingyao ancient pingyao city, 6.2 the temple attractions tickets ticket: 180 yuan (pass) student tickets are half price Name: 25 yuan tickets during the Spring Festival: RMB 160 (pass) buy one get one free.

23 交通指南 • . The train: Pingyao from taiyuan train station every 15 class, mostly GuoLuChe, drive about an hour and a half, hard seat ticket price yuan.Simon is only 500 meters, the ancient city of pingyao railway station distance walking after the outbound. • 2. The car: Pingyao is located in pingyao railway station bus station 1 km to the east, with passenger in the province is given priority to, so much in taiyuan transit. Taiyuan south bus station about 3 km from taiyuan railway station, o - 7:30 every day buses with about 15 minutes a trip to pingyao, about two hours to arrive.RMB 26. To build the south bus station address: construction of taiyuan south road no. 447, telephone: Pingyao bus station address: 14 in pingyao county road, telephone: Transportation: scenic spot The ancient city of not too big, can play on foot.Many soliciting of storage battery in the city, 10 to 30 yuan, have children, older people may consider the car. In addition, you can also rent a bicycle, in the ancient city around and around, don't have a taste, cost about $10 for half a day.


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