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Developing a mobile marketing programme for Turkish, Erasmus+ students

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2 Developing a mobile marketing programme for Turkish, Erasmus+ students
Introductions Background Objectives Classroom Learning Building a Mobile Optimised Website Building An App Promotion Benefits

3 Introductions Mike Hyde - Tutor Stacey Harding – Director - Bsmart
Vivienne Wharton - Business Development - Bsmart

4 Background; The mobile revolution…

5 Background; Who are Bsmart?
Bsmart Media is a Birmingham-based media training and learner find company Creators of innovative digital media courses to help SMEs increase sales and profit All courses are accredited by NCFE Creators of online training shops to help colleges with their full cost recovery budgets Creators of a new functional skills app (available from September) Creators of digital CV course

6 Mobile marketing programme objectives
To examine current trends in Digital and Mobile Marketing To identify the features of an effective Mobile Optimised Website To construct a simple MOW pn behalf of the Turkish College To identify the features of an effective Business App To construct a simple Business App on behalf of the Turkish College To develop suitable content for a MOW and an App To deliver a presentation on Mobile Marketing featuring their MOW and App

7 Classroom learning High Quality Learning Materials New content
Small groups Emphasis on discussion, group work and interactivity

8 Mobile devices overtake PCs and laptops
Mobile (phone and tablet) becoming the dominant means of accessing the internet from 2014 onwards…… Are businesses and other organisations ready for this?

9 Accessing internet pages across Europe by mobile devise

10 Different devices throughout the day

11 2015; Google change their algorithm for searches on mobile devices…
…giving priority to MOWs (Mobile Optimised Websites)

12 Building a Mobile Optimised Website using our licenced software
MOW software →

13 Two MOWs to be produced Two apps to be produced
About our college (aimed at future students) About the Erasmus Project (aimed at Turkish learning community) Two apps to be produced Erasmus project in UK (for participants CV/interviews) College Guide (for future students at Turkish College) Tuition is in English with translator, but MOWs and Apps can be produced in Turkish

14 Building an app using our licenced software
App software →

15 There is a much activity online…
…so how can we get noticed?

16 By focusing on development content
Words Pictures Stories Video Links Integration Social media

17 And publicising to encourage site visits and downloads
Gaining publicity for Erasmus+ and colleges in UK and Turkey

18 Any questions?

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