Welcome to... ‘CONNECT 6’… A unique combination of consultancy, collaboration, training and connectivity tailored specifically to you and your business.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to... ‘CONNECT 6’… A unique combination of consultancy, collaboration, training and connectivity tailored specifically to you and your business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to... ‘CONNECT 6’… A unique combination of consultancy, collaboration, training and connectivity tailored specifically to you and your business spread over 12 months ‘CONNECT 6’

2 Who The Hell Are Andy Hanselman Consulting?

3 We help businesses and their people create competitive advantage by
Thinking in 3D! ‘CONNECT 6’

4 Dramatically and Demonstrably Different!
That means being... Dramatically and Demonstrably Different! ‘CONNECT 6’

5 Dramatically and Demonstrably Different!
We’re in a... Dramatically and Demonstrably Different! ‘CONNECT 6’ world...




9 We research, write about, talk about and work with high performance businesses (and have been for over 25 years!) ‘CONNECT 6’

10 Dramatically and Demonstrably Different
7 Characteristics of Dramatically and Demonstrably Different ‘CONNECT 6’ Businesses


12 Awareness Assessment Action ‘CONNECT 6’

13 Our Agenda… Knowing Me, Knowing You! Thinking Strategically
Introductions and getting to know each other Thinking Strategically What it actually looks like Identifying and overcoming the barriers Tolls and techniques to make it work for you How I Made It Work For Me Julie Kenny, Ex- CEO, Pyronix What Does It Mean For You? Learning the lessons Developing a plan for ‘strategic thinking’ in your business A View From Your Room Problem sharing and solving on the issues that count for you! Your Commitment To Action! Taking the steps to make it all work for you

14 Knowing Me, Knowing You!

15 Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do? What’s your ‘biggest challenge’? What’s your ‘claim to fame’?

16 ‘Thinking Strategically’ – What Exactly Is It?

17 Strategic thinking: “A mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving success in a game or other endeavour. As a cognitive activity, it produces thought. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm or organisation. It can be done individually, as well as collaboratively among key people who can positively alter an organisation's future. Group strategic thinking may create more value by enabling a proactive and creative dialogue, where individuals gain other people's perspectives on critical and complex issues. This is regarded as a benefit in highly competitive and fast-changing business landscapes” ‘CONNECT 6’

18 “Thinking about, assessing, exploring, and creating the future for you and your business”

19 ON Strategic Operational IN Tactical ‘CONNECT 6’ 19

20 It’s hard to create time to focus on seeing the
Working both tactically and It’s hard to create time strategically is difficult to focus on seeing the because you get bogged down bigger picture in all the day to day stuff!

21 It’s hard to create time
to focus on seeing the bigger picture

22 “A ‘Strategic Approach’ to leadership is, on average ten times more important than other leadership behaviours when it comes to leadership effectiveness. It was twice as important as communication, which was seen as the second most important characteristic and almost 50 times more important than the ‘day to day’ tactical behaviours.” Source: Management Research Group Report, Harvard Business Review

23 What are the ‘benefits’ of ‘Thinking Strategically’?
3D Discussion Time: What are the ‘benefits’ of ‘Thinking Strategically’? ‘CONNECT 6’

24 ‘Thinking Strategically’ Can...

25 ‘See The Wood For The Trees’ ‘Generate Ideas And Solutions’
‘Identify The Right Paths’ ‘CONNECT 6’ ‘Shape Priorities’ ‘Create Commitment From Others’ ‘Focus Energy, Time And Resources’

26 Accelerate Growth!

27 “Businesses that have consciously worked ‘ON’ their business and taken the time to plan, say it has put them, on average, 10 months ahead of where they would have been without planning” Source: Research by Growth Accelerator, a UK Government funded agency,

28 What’s your approach to ‘Strategic Thinking’?

29 ‘CONNECT 6’

30 ‘Ostriches’.... Keep their ‘head in the sand’!
Focus only on ‘the day to day’ Don’t recognise or evaluate the potential benefits Don’t ‘create the time’ Can’t see the point! ‘CONNECT 6’

31 ‘Meercats’.... Do a little bit – certainly not ‘proactively’
Know they should, but feel a bit ‘guilty’ ‘Pop their head up’ every now and then – but soon ‘pop back’ More comfortable doing ‘real work’! ‘CONNECT 6’

32 ‘Magpies’.... Create some time when it suits them – aren’t sure why!
Hop from one thing to another! Like the ‘shiny and new’! Don’t attempt to develop a focused approach Don’t tend to ‘see things through’ ‘CONNECT 6’

33 ‘Monkeys’.... Are more committed to ‘strategic thinking’
Enjoy jumping from one thing to another Their focus is more on the ‘activity’ than the ‘purpose’ of it all – it ‘feels good’ to do it Need to ‘stand still’ and create time to take a more ‘strategic’ approach ‘CONNECT 6’

34 ‘Lions’.... Are the ‘kings’ of ‘strategic thinking’!
Consciously create time to think and work ‘strategically’ Diary time to work ‘ON’ the business Look ‘long term’ and understand the key issues Encourage (insist) others do the same ‘CONNECT 6’

35 Some Questions For YOU! ‘CONNECT 6’

36 ‘CONNECT 6’

37 ‘Strategic Thinking’ Which ‘Animal’ Are You? ‘CONNECT 6’

38 What are the implications of this?
‘Strategic Thinking’ What are the implications of this? ‘CONNECT 6’

39 What do you need to work on (more)?
‘Strategic Thinking’ What do you need to work on (more)? ‘CONNECT 6’

40 ‘CONNECT 6’

41 Julie Kenny CBE ‘CONNECT 6’

42 Key Learning For YOU? ‘CONNECT 6’

43 Barriers To ‘Strategic Thinking’?
What Are The Common Barriers To ‘Strategic Thinking’? ‘CONNECT 6’

44 #7 Common Barriers We See...

45 Insufficient Time Barrier 1:

46 Not making sufficient Time
Barrier 1:

47 Not making sufficient Time
33% of small and medium sized business leaders say it is impossible to create time to step back The Working ON, Not IN report from Growth Accelerator ‘CONNECT 6’

48 Not making sufficient Time
63% say they spend less than 2 hours a week leading their business and working on ‘strategic’ issues!  The Working ON, Not IN report from Growth Accelerator ‘CONNECT 6’

49 Caught Up In The ‘Day To Day’!
Barrier 2: Caught Up In The ‘Day To Day’!

50 It’s Not Seen As ‘Real Work’
Barrier 3: It’s Not Seen As ‘Real Work’

51 It’s Not Really ‘My Thing’!
Barrier 4: It’s Not Really ‘My Thing’!


53 Barrier 5: It’s Not On The Agenda!

54 Source: Eyes Wide Shut!: A Report On Innovation In The Uk – April 2014
53% of UK leaders believe they are missing out on opportunities because they cannot see the bigger picture Source: Eyes Wide Shut!: A Report On Innovation In The Uk – April 2014

55 Barrier 6: ‘Guilt’!

56 Barrier 7: No ‘Processes’!

57 “65% of bosses believe that their businesses can’t keep up with the pace of change in today’s competitive markets” Source: UK Government ‘Fit To Change’ Report 2015

58 “57% agree that an inability to respond rapidly and effectively to change is one of the most significant risks their business faces today” Source: UK Government ‘Fit To Change’ Report 2015

59 What’s Your Experience With ‘Strategic Thinking’?
3D Discussion Time: What’s Your Experience With ‘Strategic Thinking’? ‘CONNECT 6’

60 Strategic Thinking! 4 Factors For Success! ‘CONNECT 6’

61 ‘Thinking Strategically’ Key Success Factor 1:
Create Time!

62 3D Demonstrated! The DIY MBA!

63 3D Demonstrated! Go For Walks!

64 3D Demonstrated! Strategic thinking “As the company grows larger … you will require more time than ever before to just think: think about what the company will look like in three to five years; think about the best way to improve an already popular product or address an unmet customer need; think about how you can widen a competitive advantage or close a competitive gap” ‘CONNECT 6’ Jeff Weiner, CEO Linked-in

65 ‘Thinking Strategically’ Key Success Factor 2:
Legitimise It!


67 3D Demonstrated! Pizza Problem Solving!

68 ‘ ‘Strategic’ Meetings!
3D Demonstrated! ‘ ‘Strategic’ Meetings!

69 Have A ‘Strategic Away Day’!

70 ‘Thinking Strategically’ Key Success Factor 3:
Establish Processes!

71 3D Demonstrated! Get That Vision Thing!

72 “Creating a clear picture of the future that ‘stimulates, excites and inspires”

73 A ‘Vision’ is....

74 A Picture Of The Future You Want It ‘Stimulates, Excites And Inspires’
A ‘Point Of Strategic Focus’ Something For Everyone To Work Towards

75 What will you have achieved by July 2019?

76 What will you have achieved by July 2017?

77 Looking Ahead.... What will you have achieved? What will be in place?
3D Demonstrated! What will you have achieved? Think.. Finance..Customers..People What will be in place? What will be happening that isn’t happening now? What will you / others be saying / doing / feeling? ‘CONNECT 6’

78 What will you have achieved by January 2017?
3D Demonstrated! What will you have achieved by January 2017? ‘CONNECT 6’

79 3D Demonstrated! S W O T ‘CONNECT 6’

80 Sheffield Wednesday were Outclassed by The Tigers at Wembley

81 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats ‘CONNECT 6’

82 So What? ‘CONNECT 6’

83 3D Demonstrated! Stop Start Continue ‘CONNECT 6’

84 3D Demonstrated!

85 Thinking Strategically.....

86 Thinking Strategically.....

87 Thinking Strategically.....
Social! #xx

88 Thinking Strategically.....

89 3D Demonstrated! Fish In Different Ponds!

90 Visit other parts of your business! Subscribe to newsletters!
‘Go Fishing’.... Visit other businesses! Visit new websites! Visit other parts of your business! Read books! Subscribe to newsletters! Join other networks! Listen to podcasts! Watch YouTube! Listen to books!

91 Some Suggestions....

92 One More.... Andy’s 3D Thoughts...... 3 iDeas in 3 minutes in your inbox every Monday morning to help you think in 3D! ‘CONNECT 6’

93 Which ‘ponds’ work for you?
3D Discussion Time: Which ‘ponds’ work for you? ‘CONNECT 6’

94 Encourage It! ‘Thinking Strategically’ Key Success Factor 4:

95 3D Demonstrated! iPod Hours!

96 Beer Knowledge Thursdays!
3D Demonstrated! Beer Knowledge Thursdays!

97 3D Demonstrated! Book Club

98 Create An Expectation!

99 Create Time! Legitimise It! Processes! Encourage It!
‘Thinking Strategically’ Key Success Factors: Create Time! Legitimise It! Processes! Encourage It!

100 Thinking Strategically
How Do You Measure Up?


102 conclusions

103 “If you make your little decisions based on the big picture, at the very least you’re always heading in the right direction” Richard Branson

104 What’s your key learning from this morning


106 Take action, not notes!

107 Your Commitment To Action!
Identify One Thing Specify What You’ll Do By When! ‘CONNECT 6’

108 ‘CONNECT 6’ “A unique combination of consultancy, collaboration, training and connectivity tailored specifically to you and your business spread over 12 months”

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