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The Fifth and Sixth Seal:

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2 The Fifth and Sixth Seal:
How Long? Text: Rev. 6:9-17

3 “The first four seals center on the depravity of mankind…the progression of the four seals is from lust of conquest (first seal) to civil war (second seal) to famine (third seal) to pestilence and death (fourth seal). This is the natural progression of man’s inhumanity to man. In other words, God simply allows human sin to come full circle, turn in upon itself, and self-destruct.” Grant Osborne, Revelation * See Romans 1

4 “Throughout the book [Revelation] God is seen in process of bringing the world to an end in his own time yet promising that this time will be short.” Grant Osborne, Revelation

5 The Cry of the Martyrs “Under the Altar” – Sacrificial Picture
The Fifth Seal: The Cry of the Martyrs “Under the Altar” – Sacrificial Picture Slain – Obedience and Witness Plea – How long till you avenge? “Those who dwell on the earth” Under the Altar – Allusion to OT Sacrificial system Lev. 4:7; Ex. 29:12 – Life was in the Blood – Lev. 17:11 Lives were given as sacrifices to God Rom. 12:1,2 – Reasonable Service! Are we willing???? Slain = σφάζω; Slaughtered. Same as 5:6 Obedience to word and Witness for Christ Matt.10:38,39 – Take up cross – instrument of death! Do we take following Christ seriously???? Plea – How long till you judge and avenge Different than Christ (Luke 23:34) and Stephen (Acts 7:60) Rom.12:19 – Vengeance is God’s! Modeled after imprecatory Psalms – Psalms 79:10 Calls for judgment and vengeance – but for God’s reputation. NOTE: “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true” – appeal to the sovereignty of God. Δεσπότης – master, absolute power and authority. Earthdwellers Human race in hostility to God – 11:10; 13:8,12; 17:8

6 Response to the Cry Given White Robes – Purity and Glory
The Fifth Seal: Response to the Cry Given White Robes – Purity and Glory “Little Longer” – Almost, Not Yet. Number…complete White Robes = Purity and Glory - symbolic of redeemed – 7:9 Irony – white through washing of the blood! Little Longer – Realized to Consummated Eschatology Number – Is there a number that God will wait for? There is a point when God will say ENOUGH!!!

7 Acts of God 7 Cosmic disturbances Direct Response to “How Long?”
The Sixth Seal: Acts of God 7 Cosmic disturbances Earthquake, Sun blackened, Blood Moon, Falling Stars, Sky Rolls Up, Mountains moved, Islands Moved. Direct Response to “How Long?” 7 Cosmic disturbances – Not necessarily all literal, but announcements of the End times Example = “Blood Moon” – Recently – Not terrifying to make people run to the hills! Earthquakes – accompanied God’s presence – Mt. Sinai Falling Stars = The End has come – Isa 34:4 POSSIBLY – The End of all Events!!! – Same events accompany the 7th trumpet and 7th Bowl with God coming in Judgment.

8 Response of Men List of opposition – 19:18 Hid Themselves “Fall on Us”
The Sixth Seal: Response of Men List of opposition – 19:18 Hid Themselves “Fall on Us” Opposition: Kings = Rulers Great Ones = Officials or Merchants Generals = Military Rich = Wealthy Minority Powerful = summary of list Everyone, slave and free = lower class society – ALL Connection – 19:18 – Same list – connects events! Hid themselves – Like Adam when he sinned! OT picture: Lot, Five Amorite Kings, David – all hid in caves for fear Fall on Us Allusion to Hosea 10:8 Trying anything to escape – even death But death will not escape God’s judgment! 20:11,12 Heb. 9:27

9 “The observation I started to make was this: Wherever in this Bible we find a true prophet of God standing up, this will be his message: that unless we repent and get right with God, and unless we turn, there is coming down upon us a judgment and a visitation from the Almighty…But people do not like to hear those things. We love to hear things beautiful and things encouraging and things fine. Let us be positive. Let us not speak of these other things. But they are things that God speaks of. God says them…When we get smarter than God, we are going to raise up a generation of children that are on the road to the damnation of judgment. We cannot escape it.” W.A. Criswell, Expository Sermons on Revelation Vol. 3

10 Relying on God’s timing is to rely on God’s Sovereignty.
Takeaway Thought. Hard for us to understand the terror of the visions because we do not experience the effects in America. Goal – More sensitivity!

11 Time for repentance and renewal is not infinite.
Takeaway Thought. Romans 13:11,12


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